- There are a lot of reasons for causing news to be inconsistent with facts, most are subjective reasons. 造成新闻失实的原因很多,主要是主观原因。
- What do you think is a fine little objective reasons, subjective reasons are followed? 您认为精品太少是客观原因造成的,主观原因是其次?
- We should not put subjective reasons on a par with objective reasons in our analysis. 不能把客观原因与主观原因平等起来分析。
- Apart from the subjective aspect,such as scaring of financial problem and founding late of its system,the most important is that there are some subjective reasons. 除了制度本身起步较晚以及我国财政资金缺乏等一些客观因素外,还有许多影响刑事法律援助质量的主观原因。
- This is difference of meaning of time of socially necessary labor and controversy long-term inextricability subjective reason. 这是社会必要劳动时间含义分歧和争论长期无法解决的主观原因。
- In the recent years, the commuting groups on the university campus have increased quite a lot.The emergence of these groups can be attributed to both objective and subjective reasons. 摘要近年来,我国大学中的走读群体日益增多,他们的出现既有客观上的原因,也有主观上的原因。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- Please elucidate the reasons for your decision. 请把你作出决定的理由解释清楚。
- They believed the child by his persuasive reasons. 他们因那个孩子有说服力的理由相信了他。
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那个问题的权威自居。
- He expounded the reasons why he did it. 他阐述了他做这件事的理由。
- I have no pretence to be an expert on the subject. 我并不自命是这方面的专家。
- She did it for sentimental reasons. 她出于情感的缘故做了此事。
- The reasons why he did it are obscure. 他做那事的理由还不清楚。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- He do not throw much fresh light on the subject. 关于这个问题他没有提供很多新的见解。
- How to explain these subjects reasonably? To answer this question, the research into“Marx's inheritance and development of Hegelianism theory of truth”assumed great importance. 马克思的实践真理观不仅是对传统真理观的继承和发展,同时也是现代哲学真理观的逻辑起点。
- I don't fully understand his reasons for leaving. 我不完全理解他离开的理由。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。