- web- based English teaching model 网络教学模式
- network - based English teaching approach 网络教学
- TBET(Task - based English Teaching) 任务型教学
- computer-and-classroom based English teaching models 基于计算机和课堂的英语教学模式
- Subject Based English 专业英语
- My major suBject is Linguistics and my minor suBject is English Teaching. 我的主修科目是语言学,辅修科目是英语教学。
- task- based English teaching 任务型英语教学
- Advanced Model of English Teaching. 先进的外语教学模式。
- The theory can be applied to English teaching. 这个理论可应用于英语教学。
- What's Wrong with our College English Teaching? 我们的大学英语教学怎么了?
- Listening is moat important in English Teaching. 摘要听力教学在英语教学中占重要的地位。
- Great school English teaching is a major feature. 英语教学是长城学校的一大特色。
- Writing is both subject and means of teaching in English teaching in middle schools. 写作在中学英语教学中既是教学的内容又是教学的手段。
- Wrote scripts for Yo-Yo ABC-Kang Chiao English teaching program. 康轩英语教学节目剧本编写。
- He didn't want to use the new approach to English teaching. 他不愿意采用新方法教授英语。
- Communicative approach and China's English teaching II. 交际法和中国英语教学2。
- Approaches to Solve Main Problems in Multi-media English Teaching. 解决多媒体英语教学主要问题的解决途径和方法。
- The base English documentation is committed and activated immediately--whomever changed the XML should commit the HTML and PHP, and do the activation. 基准英文文档被提交并立即激活-修改者应该提交相应的PHP和HTML文件,并负责激活更新。
- Television has arranged an English teaching course lately. 电视台最近开设了英语讲座。
- Translation is a very important part of English teaching. 翻译是英语教学中非常重要的一个部分。