- Is the home leave fare subject to tax? 探亲费免税吗?
- The amount of gain reportable and subject to tax. 值得申报的应纳税收益总额。
- Offshore: Located or based in a foreign country and not subject to tax laws. 从英文字义上看来,外包不一定要离岸,离岸的目的不只是外包,所以这两个用语不能画上等号。
- A non-PRC company may be subject to tax on worldwide income under the EIT Law. 根据新税法,中国政府可以对境外注册的公司按境内外收入征收所得税。
- Under this old system, fixed assets are classified as consumer goods and are subject to tax. 在这一旧体制下,固定资产被归为消费产品并要交纳税收。
- Imported taxable consumer goods shall be subject to tax upon import declaration. 进口的应税消费品,于报关进口时纳税。
- Taxable consumer goods produced by the taxpayer shall be subject to tax upon sales. 纳税人生产的应税消费品,于销售时纳税。
- Double taxation arises when two or more tax jurisdictions overlap, such that the same item of income or profit is subject to tax in each. 当两个或以上的地区对某一纳税人的同一项收入或利润同时拥有税收司法权而向其徵税时,便会产生双重课税的情况。
- Tax official: yes,I will try. any individual who has resided in china for less than one year will be subject to tax only on his income sourced from china. 税务官员:在中国境内居住不满一年的外国公民,只就境内收入纳税,境外收入不纳税。
- Ship and aircraft operators resident in Hong Kong or Belgium will only be subject to tax in either Hong Kong or Belgium on income they derive from international traffic. 从事航运及航空营运业务的香港或比利时居民,就其在国际运输取得的收入,只须在香港或比利时缴税。
- Shipowners in HK and the UK will, as a result, only be subject to tax in either HK or the UK on the income they derive from international shipping business. 因此,香港和英国的船东将只须在香港或英国,就其从国际航运取得的利润缴税。
- The area is subject to devastating seasonal winds. 这个地区常遭破坏性季风的袭击。
- It owns its factory premises, plant and machineries. It also undertakes some processing work for Mainland customers. Its profits are subject to tax in the Mainland. 它拥有自置厂房,制造设备和机器,它也承接内地客户的加工业务,其利润在内地徵税。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- The price is subject to our confirmation. 所有价格经我们确认后有效。
- The terms of the contract are subject to review. 合同的条款有待复查决定。
- All prices are subject to review. 一切商品的价格都有可能调整。
- We are subject to many influences. 我们都受著多方的影响。
- It is unfair to tax rich and poor equally. 让富人和穷人同等地交税是不公平的。
- Can you obtain firm offer subject to cable reply? 贵公司可否以电报确认实盘?