- Based on the laboratory tests, the influences of two subgrade compaction controlling index to the subgrade stability were compared, and a conclusion was obtained that it is feasible to control the quality of subgrae compaction by air rate. 摘要从室内试验出发,对比了国内外两种路基压实控制指标对路基稳定性的影响,得出了采用空气率控制路基压实质量的可行性结论。
- The paper elucidates main internal and external factors affecting the subgrade compaction, simply analyzes the filler property, compaction principle, mechanism of machinery function as well as how to achieve optimum compacting effect. 阐述了影响路基压实的主要内外因素,浅析了填料的性质、实的原理和机械作用机理以及如何才能达到最好的压实效果。
- Detection control of subgrade compaction for higher level roads 高等级公路路基压实度检测控制
- This paper discusses the method and technical keys of rapid and nondestructive measurement of subgrade compactness (soil compactibility) by instantaneous impulsion method. 叙述了用瞬态冲击法快速、无损测量路基压实度(土壤坚实度)的方法及技术关键。
- This paper depicts the principle and technical keys of rapid and nondestructive measurement of subgrade compactness by the instantaneous impulsion method. 本文叙述了用瞬态冲击法快速、无损测定路基压实度的原理以及技术关键。
- Abstract: This paper discusses the method and technical keys of rapid and nondestructive measurement of subgrade compactness (soil compactibility) by instantaneous impulsion method. 摘 要: 叙述了用瞬态冲击法快速、无损测量路基压实度(土壤坚实度)的方法及技术关键。
- Application Study of Transient Rayleigh Wave in Inspection of Subgrade Compaction 瞬态瑞雷面波法在路基压实度检测中的应用
- Construcfion and Check Survey for General Soil Subgrade Compaction at High Grade Highway 高等级公路土质路基压实施工及检测
- Experiment and Research over Application of Wave Speed Test to Detection of Subgrade Compaction Quality 波速测试检测路基压实质量的试验研究
- Test Study of the Influence to Subgrade Stability by Different Index of Low Liquid Limit Silty Soil Subgrade Compaction 低液限粉土路基压实不同检测指标对路基稳定性影响的试验研究
- Ok. Luxury, mid-size or compact? 好。是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?
- Discussion on Indoor Compaction Test and Subgrade Compaction Control at Construction Stage 室内击实试验与路基施工压实度控制问题探讨
- Subgrade Compaction Standard Evd in Relevant Railway Code and its Characteristics Evd路基压实标准在铁路规范中的规定与特点
- You can get the feel of a compact car in no time. 你很快就能把小型车摸清楚。
- I appreciate his compact style of writing. 我欣赏他那简洁的文体。
- His uncle is a man of compact build. 他叔父身体结实。
- The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology. 激光唱片是当代技术的奇葩。
- The two states made a compact to co-operate against terrorism. 两国签订了反恐怖主义合作协议。
- Revisal of Fast Measurement of Subgrade Compacting Degree 路基压实度的快速检测校正
- Not taut, firm, or compact; slack. 松弛的不紧、不严密或不坚实的; 放松的