- subaqueous Yellow River Delta 黄河水下三角洲
- Dongying lies in the heart of the Yellow River delta area. 东营位于黄河三角洲的中心。
- The modern Yellow River delta consists of several subdeltas. 现代黄河三角洲由几个亚三角洲组成。
- Yes, indeed.Looking at the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve from here, we surely have a much wider field of view. 是啊,从这里看黄河三角洲的自然保护区视野非常开阔。
- The hydrocarbons pollution and its sources in the sediments of the Yellow River delta. 黄河三角洲沉积物烃类污染及来源。
- The Chinese government has listed Yellow River Delta as one of the first five new granaries. 中国政府已把黄河三角洲列为全国新增五大粮仓之一。
- There is plenty of salt in surface soil of Yellow River delta, which makes soil hardened and salinized. 摘要黄河三角洲表层土壤中的大量盐类物质可以造成土壤的板结化、盐渍化、砂僵化。
- Spatial distribution and ecological adaptability of wetland vegetation in Yellow River Delta along a water table depth gradient. 水深梯度下湿地植被空间分布与生态适应
- Yellow River Delta is the youngest land in the east of China, and there is the broadest, youngest and the most integrated wetland ecosystem. 摘要黄河三角洲是我国东部最年轻的陆地,保存着中国暖温带地区最广阔、最完整、最年轻的湿地生态系统。
- In this paper,the monitoring methods and engineering protective measures for the sea wall hollowing in the Yellow River delta area are introduced. 介绍了黄河三角洲海堤淘空的监测方法和工程防范措施。
- The relations between soil dehydrogenase activity and soil nutrients of wetland in Yellow River Delta were studied through path analysis. 摘要运用通径分析法研究黄河三角洲冲击平原湿地土壤中氧化还原酶活性与土壤养分的关系。
- The company is headquartered in the Yellow River Delta hinterland, the Shandong University said the door of the Binzhou. 公司总部位于黄河三角洲腹地,有山东的北大门之称的滨州。
- A birdwatcher from Dongying city in China's Eastern Shandong province has photographed four swans with neck-loops at the Yellow River Delta. 一位家住中国东部地区山东省东营市的观鸟人在黄河三角洲地区拍摄下了4只颈部戴着项圈的天鹅。
- With the development of the economic society in the Yellow River Delta, the conflict between water supp and demand is becoming severe. 随着三角洲地区经济社会的发展,水资源的供需矛盾日益尖锐化。
- The changes of scouring and silting of the Yellow River Delta is complicated and speedy, and it clearly lies on the changes of the coastline. 黄河三角洲地区冲淤演变复杂快速,最明显的表现是该地区海岸线的淤进蚀退。
- It utilizes principal component analysis method to determine index weight and chooses Yellow River Delta as a case of demonstration. 运用主成分分析法客观确定指标权重,对黄河三角洲区域的生态可持续进行了实证研究。
- Chinese news Web site chinanews. Com. Cn reported on Wednesday that birdwatcher Sun Jingsong's discovery marks the first sighting of neck-looped swans in the Yellow River Delta. 中国新闻网网站星期三报道称,观鸟人孙敬松的这一发现是人们在黄河三角洲上首次观察到戴颈圈的天鹅。
- The simulating experiment constructed a series of "wetland buckets" containing soil polluted by petroleum and some wetland plants from the Yellow River Delta. 模拟实验中建立了一系列不同状态的“湿地桶”,桶中装有从黄河三角洲采集的被石油污染的土壤和当地的湿地植物。
- In order to realize the comprehensive coordinated sustainable development of economy and society in the Yellow River delta area,we must take the feasible... 要实现黄河口地区经济社会的全面、协调、可持续发展,必须采取切实可行的措施,大力发展文化产业。
- The simulating experiment constructed a series of “wetland buckets" containing soil polluted by petroleum and some wetland plants from the Yellow River Delta. 模拟实验中建立了一系列不同状态的“湿地桶”,桶中装有从黄河三角洲采集的被石油污染的土壤和当地的湿地植物。