- He had the crust to ask to borrow my new car! 他竟有脸借我的新车!
- The earth's crust is between 5 and 25 miles thick. 地壳有五至二十五英里厚。
- A raised bubble, as on a painted or laminated surface. 浮泡如漆面或层压的表面的气泡
- Earth quakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust. 地壳内的应力可能引起地震。
- The crust on the snow was thick enough for us to walk on it. 外层的雪已经冻硬,可以在上面行走。
- He had the crust to order me around. 他厚着脸皮对我发号施令。
- A laminated product, such as plywood. 薄片制品薄片制品,如层压板
- You may slip and burst your crust by doing so. 你这样做会滑倒弄破皮的。
- She had the crust to ask me for an excuse. 她竟有脸请求我的原谅。
- The laminated structure of the annulus is complex. 环状的薄片结构很复杂。
- A crust consisting of browned crumbs and butter, often with grated cheese. 烘烤菜肴上的脆皮由烘烤成棕色的面包屑和黄油构成的面包皮,通常带有碎乳酪
- Griot Lamin Saho (httt :/www.duniyaa-recording. com) -和平、在人员之间的爱和团结。
- Under the crust are many layers of hard rock. 在地壳的下面是许许多多坚硬的岩石层。
- Perfect crust is the basis for the perfect pizza. 最好的比萨饼胚是最好的比萨的基础。
- A deep-dish fruit pie with a thick top crust. 厚皮水果馅饼一大盘上部皮厚的水果馅饼
- Subaerial erosion occurs often with reduction to a peneplain. 陆上侵蚀常夷平成准平原。
- To enclose with or as if with a paste or crust. 以浆糊封或涂用或好象用浆糊或面包皮封。
- Strains in the Earth's crust seem to pile up. 地壳的应力似乎一直在积聚着。
- Less dense substances move upwards to form a crust. 密度小的物质向上浮动并形成一层皮。
- Robot to study hole in Earth's crust. 机器人探秘地球大洞。