- Objective To study the survival function of primary Anorectal malignant melanoma(AMM). 目的探讨原发性肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤(anorectalmalignantmelanoma,AMM)患者的生存状况。
- AMM has a poor prognosis,the survival function is not relationship with gender and age. AMM预后极差,其预后无显著性别和年龄差异。
- After construct the database,life table (SPSS10.0 for windows)was used to find the survival function of primary AMM. 检索CNKI全文数据库;收集国内同期有随访资料的个案报道共48篇136例;建立数据库;应用寿命表法(SPSS10.;0forwindows)对AMM进行生存分析。
- First of all, Review the history of actuarial science and look forward to the tendency of the development Introduce some key principal in the actuarial science: Interest Theory and Annuity, Survival Function and Life Table, Types of insurance and Premium. 本文首先简要说明了保险精算的起源以及发展的趋势,介绍了保险精算的一些基本理论:利息理论和年金的概念,生存函数的推导以及生命表的构成,寿险的基本形式和保费的定义。
- I had to sub for the referee, who was sick. 裁判病了,我得代为裁判。
- Survival is our first imperative. 我们当务之急是设法生存下来。
- That fashion is a survival from the 1930s. 那种时装是三十年代的遗风。
- The old man is a survival of the past age. 这老人乃上一个时代的遗老。
- Today the survival of our species is threatened. 今天人类的生存受到了威胁。
- Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament? 我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗?
- The minister has to attend all kinds of functions. 部长必须参加各种集会。
- Add either the Sub or Function keyword to the Declare statement. 在Declare语句中添加Sub或Function关键字。
- The sub can outrun any destroyer. 这艘潜水艇比任何驱逐舰航行得都快。
- What functions can this program perform? 这一程序有哪些功能?
- I have to sub on her for the new car I want to buy. 要买那辆新车,我得向她借点儿钱。
- The long boom of the crane functions like our arms. 起重机的长臂与我们的手臂功能相同。
- The sofa functions as a bed at night. 这沙发在夜里可以当床。
- We need food and water for survival. 我们为了生存需要食物和水。
- Clive Walker came on as a sub and starred. 克里夫-沃克替补上场,大放异彩。