- As a member of NWS Holdings, Urban Group is the Largest Property and Facility Management Company in the territory. 富城集团为新创建集团成员,并为香港最大之物业及设施管理公司。
- Under the mega Urban Group brand, there are 5 service brands each with its own identity and service focus. 为配合业务不断发展所需,在富城集团的企业品牌之内,并拥有5个不同的服务品牌。
- Urban Group emphasizes on Community Care as one of its corporate strategic goals. 富城集团一向贯彻关心社群的企业目标,以实际行动承担企业公民责任。
- Urban Group has been actively promoting occupational safety and health in its management portfolio. 富城集团一向积极推动职业安全健康的工作。
- Urban Group has been the first mover of environmental care in the Hong Kong property management industry. 富城集团为香港物业管理界的环保先躯。
- Urban Group is a pioneer in the industry to promote workplace occupational safety and health. 富城集团为行内推动职业安全的先驱。
- It is an important time for the development of the urban group in Zhongdu Lu (Beijing area) in Jin Dynasty. 摘要本文以金代中都路地区城市群作为研究对象,对区域城市群的发展演变和空间布局进行了深入的探讨分析。
- He is also vice secretary-general of the UNESCO China-MAB( Man and the Biosphere) Committee and a member of the UNESCO MAB Urban Group. 他提出的“城市植被”概念和“以自然力恢复中国退化生态系统”等观点得到社会各界广泛认可。
- Employee Relations Committee aims to reinforce the communication opportunities between the top management of Urban Group and the fellow staff members. 员工沟通委员会的成立目的是要增加员工及管理层之间沟通的机会。
- Adoption of Personal Information All information collected by Urban Group Corporate Website will be used for Internet and traffic analysis only. 在网路活动方面,本网站所搜集有关使用者之个人资料,将只会作为分析之用。
- To build up a favourable atmosphere through actively participating various social services, including different levels of voluntary services in Urban Group. 透过积极参与各项社会服务,如不同层面的义务工作,建立企业参与社群的气氛。
- With the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of Urban Group and encouraging improvement proposals from our staff, 60 Service Enhancement Teams SETs were established. 为著要不断提升富城集团的竞争力,与及鼓励员工提供质素改善建议,我们合共成立了60个。
- I had to sub for the referee, who was sick. 裁判病了,我得代为裁判。
- He is designated as a Real Estate Administrator and a Certified Facility Manager. Mr. Francis Chiu first joined New World Group in 1987, then NWS and Urban Group in 2000. 赵伯琛先生于1987年加入新世界集团,并于2000年加入其服务及基建旗舰新创建集团,再被调派至富城集团至今。
- The heritage of Urban Group originates from the management of Hong Kongs large-scale composite development project Mei Foo Sun Chuen, which commenced from 1966. 富城的管理业务源自1966年开始筹备兴建的大型综合发展计划美孚新邨。
- Up to date, HKQAA has only issued 18 Corporate Certificates and Urban Group was among one of them, showing the achievement of the Group in pursing the highest service quality. 至目前为止,香港品质保证局一共只发出了18张企业证书,证明富城集团在实践全面优质管理企业目标上的成就。
- Urban Group maintains its leading position in the industry by identifying workplace hygiene standard with its staff and built up a healthy working environment within the Group. 该集团现正处于行内之领导地位,并与其员工携手订立工作场所卫生标准,共同缔造一个卫生健康的工作环境。
- To align our internal staff with the business direction of Urban Group, we have annually identified a clear corporate strategic focus for the 21st Century. 为了让每一位富城的员工心目中有著与集团一致的发展方向,我们自21世纪开始,每年均订立清晰的企业策略目标。
- Do you teach your students singly or in groups? 你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?
- The sub can outrun any destroyer. 这艘潜水艇比任何驱逐舰航行得都快。