- He is too earnest in a political culture that is pervasively cynical. 在人情淡薄的政治舞台上,他显得过于认真。
- These changes make up new circumstances of political culture, which in turn affect policy choice of CCP. 这些转变构成了新的政治文化环境,反过来又影响着执政党的政策选择。
- Key word:Non Government Organizations; Political participation; Civil Society; Political culture? 关键词:非政府组织;政治参与;市民社会;政治文化?
- Mr Allawi goes much further, arguing persuasively that they fundamentally misread Iraq's political culture. 阿拉维走的更深入,他令人信服的论证到美国人从根本上就误读了伊拉克的政治文化。
- The British political culture have swung, pendulum fashion, from one extreme to the other. 英国的政治文化是一种秋千式、钟摆式的,从一个极端到另一个极端。
- Syncretizing ethic principles with political system is the typical characteristic of Confucian political culture. 将伦理精神同政治制度融为一体,是儒家文化的典型特征。
- In traditional Chinese political culture, dictatorship is an insurmountable fortress of ideology. 摘要在中国传统政治文化中,专制是一个无法逾越的意识形态堡垒。
- So, we need to research it so as to cultivate political culture tallied with social progress . 所以,我们有必要对它进行深入的研究,以培育符合社会进步要求的政治文化。
- The history of Chinese cartography is closely related to the political culture in China. 摘要中国制图术的大部分历史是和中国的政治文化联系在一起的。
- When Lucian W.Pye studied traditional Chinese political culture, he focused on Confucian doctrines. 白鲁恂中国政治文化研究的焦点是儒家学说,其核心是道德政治。
- Taipng's political culture is a mingling of traditional Chinese culture and the West Christian culture. 摘要太平天国政治文化是中国传统文化和西方基督教文化共同熏陶的产物。
- The failure tells us that fitting political culture should be developed to face the long and tortuous course of the construction. 它启示我们,在宪政建设过程中要重视培育相应的政治文化,并正视宪政建设过程的长期性与艰巨性。
- Discussing the roles that the Qing loyalists played in Manchukuo can also give us a clearer understanding of Chinese political culture in the 1930s. 探讨清遗民在满洲国扮演何种角色,还可认清当时中国的政治文化。
- I had to sub for the referee, who was sick. 裁判病了,我得代为裁判。
- The chief measures to consolidate democracy are to decentralize, to develop political culture and to establish civil society. 民主巩固的主要措施是下放权力,培养民主政治文化,形成文明社会。
- The paper analyses American Association of University Professors (AAUP) from the perspective of American political culture. 摘要美国大学教授协会(AAUP)确立的学术自由与终身教授制成为美国学术界的公认法则。
- By playing the Taiwan identity card, Chen is not just attracting votes and riling Beijing but changing the island's political culture, too. 打著台湾自决的招数,陈不但吸引更多选票、激怒北京,也同时改变了台湾的政治文化。
- After the liberation, this has become the political culture of the western Jincheng Center, smelting, coal and commerce are developed. 解放后,这里成为晋城西部的政治文化中心,冶炼、煤炭和商贸都很发达。
- The disharmony of political ideology and public political psychology is a prominent manifesto of present political culture. 政治意识形态与大众政治心理的不和谐是当前政治文化内在矛盾的表现。