- per fine grading 粉磨
- su- per fine grading 超细磨
- West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony. 产于西印度群岛的一种树,生长一种纹理细密的绿乌木。
- With her fine grades Ruth has it made and can enter any college in the country. 鲁思成绩优异,保证能顺利地进入国内任何一所大学。
- Rag paper The finest grade of paper made exclusively from rag or cotton fibre; if only partial, the percentage of rag is stated on the label. 用布碎或棉布纤维造成的最优质纸张;若布浆只占一部份,它的百分率要写在标签上。
- Rag paper: The finest grade of paper made exclusively from rag or cotton fibre; if only partial, the percentage of rag is stated on the label. 布浆纸:用布碎或棉布纤维造成的最优质纸张;若布浆只占一部份,它的百分率要写在标签上。
- With her fine grades Alice had it made and can enter any college in the country. 艾丽斯成绩优异,她完全有把握进入全国任何一所大学。
- Rag paper: The finest grade of paper made exclusively from rag or cotton fibre ; if only partial, the percentage of rag is stated on the label. 布浆纸:用布碎或棉布纤维造成的最优质纸张;若布浆只占一部份,它的百分率要写在标签上。
- It's scented with the finest grade red tea, almond flakes and tasty cream cheese mousse. Great mouth feel with great integration! 红茶海绵蛋糕那不经意间的淡淡芬芳,将芝士独有的醇香润物无声地慢慢浸淫,细火烘焙的美国杏仁片更将这份惬意的口感再多加了一份奢侈。
- With effect from 2002,fine grades will be abolished and the results of HKCEE and HKALE will be reported in six grades only. 由二零零二年起,一级二等制将会取消,两项考试的成绩都只会分为六个等级。
- With effect from 2002, fine grades will be abolished and the results of HKCEE and HKALE will be reported in six grades only. 由二零零二年起,一级二等制将会取消,两项考试的成绩都只会分为六个等级。
- Introduces the transformation of treating slumy technology process in Zhenchengdi preparation plant.By analysing screening test acount of fines,approaches the feasible on fines grading floation. 介绍了镇城底矿煤泥水处理工艺流程的技术改造,分析了入浮煤泥筛分试验数据,探讨了煤泥分级浮选的可行性。
- The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum. 该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- Can your car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的汽车一小时能开一百英里吗?
- Su tried to give her ideas, but the other girls talked her down. 苏想出点主意,却被其他女孩高声压倒。
- These apples cost five yuan per kilogram. 这些苹果每公斤五元。
- We fail one student per year on average. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。
- West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony 产于西印度群岛的一种树,生长一种纹理细密的绿乌木
- The car is spinning along120 li per hour. 这车正以每小时120里的速度行进。