- Different color and diverse hardware with the modern European style show the simplicity which widens your sight. 不同的色调、不同的五金配置,以现代欧式风格:简约让视野变得开阔。
- At the same time, influenced by his philosophical thinking, hisliterary thoughts and prose style show the artistic characteristics asa thinker. 同时,受其哲学思想的影响,唐甄的文学思想和散文风格也表现出鲜明的思想者的特色。
- American life styles show how much people respect the time of others. 美国人的生活方式显示出了他们是多么尊重他人的时间。
- Brief style shows your imperturbable, introverted and individual quality. 简洁的款式,显得沉着、内敛,但不失个性。
- It is located to the south of the Mulan Mountain, 38 kilometers from Wuhan City, it takes grassland style show as the main items, combined tourism, recreation, business tour, vacating in one. 木兰草原位于木兰山南麓。是一处以草原风情展示为主,融观光、游乐、会务、度假于一体的旅游景区。
- "Skinhead" style show the success of the Bao Chunlai tomorrow's young rival Japan Sasaki Xiang believed that the small abalone do not need to bring a new style of the "lucky" to win. 以“光头”造型成功亮相的鲍春来明天的对手日本小将佐佐木翔,相信这次小鲍不需要新造型带来的“幸运”来取胜。
- This moving mass of headphones, wires, and cameras prepares to shoot an episode of “Everyday Elegance with Colin Cowie,” the signature style show on the Women's Entertainment Network. 移动着的这群人,头戴耳机,手拿设备线和摄像机,准备好捕捉“科林考伊为你设计日常优雅”的片段镜头,这是一部女士娱乐网上标志性的节目。
- His style shows how deeply he was influenced by Euclid's treatment of ration and proportions. 牛顿书中的写法表明,他深受欧几里得对量和比例分析的影响。
- Brief style shows your imperturbable, introverted and individual quality. It is much suitable and comfortable for body. 简洁的款式,显得沉着、内敛,但不失个性。版型合体,穿着舒适。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Though Rococo originated in the purely decorative arts, the style showed clearly in painting. 洛可可艺术发源于纯净装饰艺术,这种风格清楚地显示在绘画上。
- It proves that the titles of compositions of different styles show dissimilarities,though to some extent,in syntax,semantics and pragmatics. 这一研究说明,不同文体文章的标题,在语法、语义和语用方面存在着一定的差别。
- He wrote in that style just to show off. 这种文体写文章,完全是为了卖弄文采。
- The result indicates that both the two products accord with RRB distribution,but the vertical style shows a narrower granularity distribution. 用激光粒度分析仪测定了球磨和立式磨生产的矿渣微粉的颗粒群分布,结果表明,两种产品均符合RRB分布,立式磨矿渣微粉粒度分布范围较窄。
- I believe that he will show his true colors someday. 我相信他总有一天会现出原形的。
- Elegant taste, fashionable experience and three-folded sides with European style show the manner of a gentleman. The creative Gamder Series K shows the classics of modern industrial design. 优雅的品味,时尚的体验,具有浓厚欧洲气氛的三折面外型,方寸之间,展示出绅士般的风度,原创性的家的K系列,充分彰显现代工业设计的典范
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- He was anxious to show himself patriot. 他急于表明自己是个爱国者。
- He made his horse show his paces. 他让他的马展示其步态。
- She made a guest appearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串。