- A large proportion of my time is spent in studying. 我的大部分时间花在学习上。
- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻读人事学。
- I hate intruders when I am studying. 在我学习时我讨厌有人打扰我。
- Other than my study motives and life goals, what can I write about in my statement of purpose? 读书计画除了要写研究动机、生涯规划,还能写什么?
- My son is studying at an elementary school. 我儿子在一家小学上学。
- Study motivation for primary teachers in post-employment concludes four marked features such as internality, practicability, diversity and profundity. 小学教师职后学习动机具有内在性、实用性、多样性和深刻性四个显著特征。
- How many subjects are you studying this semester? 这学期你选了几门课程?
- The study motive of students in vocational college has feature of diversity, conflict, changeability and profession. 高职学生的学习动机具有多元性、冲突性、多变性和职业化的特点。
- Therefore, study motive is closely relatedto the individual mental liability and attitude. 所以,学习动机与学生个体的心理倾向和态度有着密切联系。
- He is studying in the theological college. 他在那所神学院学习。
- Study motivation has inspiriting function, directional function and intensifying function. 摘要学习动机具有激励功能、定向功能、强化功能。
- I am studying art at Stockholm University. 我在斯德哥尔摩大学攻读艺术。
- He is now studying business administration. 他现在在学习企业管理。
- He is studying at a junior middle school. 他正在上初中。
- He is studying English early and late. 他一天到晚都在学英语。
- The reconfirmation includes your study motivation, study results, attendance, performance and behavior, and awards and punishments you have received. 评审内容包括:学习态度、考绩考勤、行为表现、奖惩情况等。
- She is studying in a theatre workshop. 她正在戏剧讲习班学习。
- Training self-control can be started with improving self-consciousness, setting up right study motive, and developing forerunning ideas. 培养自制力要从提高自我意识,树立正确的学习动机和培养“超前认识”三方面入手。
- I've been studying Spanish for three months. 我学西班牙语已经三个月了。
- Therefore, raises and stimulates student's study motive have become the problem people pay attention to increasingly in the teaching. 因此,在教学中培养和激发学生的学习动机成为人们日益关注的问题。