- They can be severely shocking and can have a revivifying effect on the study of ancient literature, which has recently suffered from a lack of interest on the part of scholars. 在实地作业中,通过将一系列波列源,诸如小规模炸药爆炸,排列成为一网格模式,从而将地面下部位在地图上标...
- Methods Analysed action of shallow needling method by analysis of ancient literature and recent clinical studies of shallow needling method. 方法:从古代文献和近年临床研究入手分析浅刺针法的作用。
- The paper dealt with collation and study of ancient literatures of mineral matters ameliorating soil, but the records were fragmentary. 在长期的生产实践中,已摸索出利用矿物质改良土壤之法,古文献中有零星记载。
- Study of the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome. 古代希腊文学与罗马文学的学习。
- Egyptology is a major field of archaeology, the study of ancient Egyptian history, language, literature, religion, and art. 范围够广阔吧,够学一阵儿吧,要想都涉猎难吧。就当一乐呗。别要求那么高。
- This thesis also illustrates the applications of Yang"s Exegetics in three aspects: collation of ancient books, compilation of dictionaries and study of literature and history. 从古籍整理、辞书编纂和文史研究等三方面举例说明杨氏训诂的应用;
- The study of the geography of ancient times or ancient epochs. 对上古时代地理的研究。
- An advocate of the study of ancient Greek and Latin. 鼓吹、拥护学习古希腊和拉丁语的人
- This fossil is of great value in the study of ancient Roman civilization. 这块化石对研究古罗马文明史的价值是无法估计的。
- Much study of ancient human remains and shelters seems to show that groups of Homo sapiens left Africa and entered Asia via the Middle East. 最初的原人生活在东非,特别在大裂谷附近,但是后来他们开始离开原来居住的森林,向四周移民,要闯荡世界。
- My research department has recently turned its focus to the study of ancient artifacts. 我的研究部门最近将焦点转移到了对古代器物的研究上。
- A study of Bing Xin's children's literature. 冰心儿童文学研究。
- From the present state of ancient poem teaching, we still warder around the study of partial and superficial study. 从中学古诗词教学研究的现状来看,还只是停留在局部的、肤浅的研究上。
- Study of comparative literature II. 比较文学学2。
- The commander made a detailed study of the terrain. 司令员对地形作了仔细研究。
- Cai Shi System is an ancient word, and is an unavoidable question in the study of ancient culture, especial the Book of Songs. 采诗”制是一个古老的话语,也是研究上古文化特别是研究《诗经》学史所无法回避的问题。
- The study of computer controlled robots. 对受计算机控制的机器人的研究领域。
- The study of viruses and viral diseases. 病毒学一种病毒和病毒性疾病的研究
- Through excavation, dress and study of the bronze wares, the achievement clearly suggests that Yunnan bronze wares truely reflect a vivid figure of ancient Dian Kingdom. 上述青铜器的发掘、整理、研究,从其成果不难看出,云南青铜器真实地反映出一个鲜活的古滇王国形象。
- He makes a rigorous study of the plant in the area. 他对该地的植物进行了慎密的研究。