- Finally, the self-potency feeling affects the final study achievement. 最后,自我效能感影响到最终的学习成就。
- This paper is a part of experimental study achievement gained on mine sites of Jincheng bureau and Huainan bureau. 本课题组先后在晋城矿务局凤凰山矿和淮南矿务局谢一矿煤巷进行了锚拉支架现场工程试验研究工作。
- The newest study achievement and their utility method of microorganism in vegetable抯 processing field are introduced. 主要介绍了微生物在果蔬加工业中的最新研究成果及其利用方法。
- Not be constrained on textbook, if you have thorough research to thingamy, can consider to study achievement serves as achievement. 不是拘泥于课本上的,如果你对某东西有深入研究,可以考虑研究成果作为成绩。
- Then his study achievement, as the key of solve the problem of continental geosphere structure which has the same structure as asthenosphere, has found a series of new idea and pattern. 尔后,他把自己过去的研究成果升华为具有普遍意义的理性认识,作为解决也呈上硬下软层圈结构特点的大陆岩石圈种种构造热点问题的钥匙,创立了一系列新概念新模式。
- Now test mark is the only criterion that weighs students study achievements. 现在考试分数是衡量学生学业成绩的唯一标准。
- The studying achievement can supply directorial effect during in the cause of building freeway. 该项研究成果对滑坡地带附近的高速公路的建设具有积极的指导意义。
- Professor Boon is standing with the five scholarship winners for a photo and wishing them good study achievements. 德。布恩教授高兴地和五位奖学金获得者进行合影,并祝他们学习更上一层楼。
- Science studies achievement makes clear, if " listen " reach " earphone " use undeserved, long high volume listens, return the eyesight that can injure a person. 科学研究成果表明,若“随身听”及“耳机”使用不当,长时间高音量收听,还会损伤人的视力。
- He was unobtrusive and honest with his study achievments, respecting the works of other people and opposing cribbing. 对待自己的研究成果诚实谦虚,尊重他人劳动、反对剽窃;
- Scientific literacy test is one of main appraisal domains in PISA, It has manifested the newest international scientific studies achievement appraisal tendency. PISA中的科学素养测试,是其主要评价领域之一,体现了国际科学学业成就评价的最新趋势。
- On the basis of existing study achievement, the Author of the article systemically studied traditional jargon of Uygur by applying theories and knowledge on linguistics、lexicology and semantics. 本文在借鉴和吸收前人研究成果的基础上,运用语言学、词汇学、语义学等理论知识,对维吾尔族传统手工业行业词进行了一次较为系统的观察和分析。
- The dissertation makee use of study achievements of many linguists such as Shibatani(1976 , 2001), Comrie(1989) and Dixon(2000). 本文主要参考了Shibatani(1976、2001)、Comrie(1989)和Dixon(2000)等对致使结构的研究成果。
- Periodic Synthetic Examinations could evaluate educational effects of courses in a certain period and estimate periodic study achievements of students. 阶段性综合考试是检测一定阶段的课程教学效果,评价学生阶段性学业成就的考试。
- There are tea many follow study achieve ment in china, but original create achievement is very lack. We should treat follow study objectively, attach importance to original create study. 摘要中国古今学界附骥尾性研究成果过多、过滥,而原创性研究成果却过缺、过少。应客观对待附骥尾性研究,重视、加强原创性研究。
- Position: Whether any field of study achieve significant success unless outsiders bring their knowledge to the field depends on a case-by-case analysis. 在任何一个研究领域当中,除非有该领域的人引进他们的知识和经验,否则该领域将很难获得巨大发展。
- His years of study were useful in his job. 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
- On the foundation that studies achievement in derive elder economist, through trading patulously fare concept explains cent becomes the efficiency of tenancy and its long-standing matter. 在汲取前辈经济学家研究成果的基础上,通过扩展的交易费用概念解释分成租佃的效率及其长期存在的原因。
- How much did it cost you to study abroad? 你出国深造花了多少钱?
- She secludes herself in her study to work. 她把自己关在书房里埋头研究。