- Calvin is also an outstanding student leader. 凯钧是一个出色的领袖。
- Tak Wai is an all-rounded student leader. 德威是一位多才多艺的学生领袖。
- Even the thought of this utterly incensed the student leaders. 那些学生领导人即使一想到这种建议,就会怒火中烧。
- Schools can work with other diocesan groups in training catholic student leaders. 学校可与教区其他机构合作,培训公教学生领袖,加强基督徒使命感及价值观。
- Student leader Denis Hayes and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson were two key organizers for the first event. 学生领袖丹尼斯。海耶斯和维斯康星州参议员涅尔森是第一个运动的关键组织者。
- So it's no surprise that even at university she dominated debates with men and out-manoeuvred talented males to become a student leader. 所以,甚至当她在大学与男生辩论时,她就处于支配地位,比一些有才能的男子更胜一筹,结果成为学生领袖,也就不足为奇了。
- Suppose you are a Shenzhen to broadcast an Open University a student leader, the expensive school wants to hold an English academic chair. 假设你是深圳广播电视大学学生会主席,贵校要举办一次英语讲座。
- Although the work he did as a student leader was time-consuming and tiring, he was never heard complaining about anything. 他象学生领导者那样做的工作花时间,而且疲劳尽管,有人没决听到他对任何事加以怨。
- Helvey trained in Hong Kongthe student leaders from Beijing in mass demonstration techniques whichthey were to use in the Tiananmen Square incident of June 1989. 梅克尔声明她将抵制8月在北京举办的奥运会,为的是抗议北京对喇嘛们采取的措施。
- HKBU student leaders were commended today (22 May) for their commitment to student associations over the past year.They were also enlightened by the Hon. 大学今日(五月二十二日)颁发嘉许状予学生领袖,以表扬他们过去一年在学会的投入和贡献。
- A teenager charged with killing a student leader at the University of North Carolina is now charged with killing a graduate student at Duke University. 一名被控诉杀害北卡罗来纳大学学生干部的青年现在又被控诉杀害杜克大学的一名毕业生。
- In communist East Germany the Stasi agreed with its Western counterparts that student leader Rudi Dutschke was a "dangerous subversive. 在共产东德,秘密警察也同意了西德干员的看法,认为学运领袖杜希克是“危险的颠覆份子”。
- Lecturers' unions have denounced the practice at Manchester Metropolitan University as "snooping" but student leaders say they just want to improve the learning experience. 曼彻斯特城市大学的教师协会指责了这种行为,称其为“偷窥”。但学生干部称,他们只是想改善学习状况。
- I spent three weeks talking to student leaders and members of the Basij (an all-volunteer, quasi-legal militia), to exhausted waiters and urban hipsters. 我花了三周时间与学生领袖、伊斯兰武装力量动员队(一个全部成员均为志愿者的准合法民兵组织)成员、疲惫的侍者以及都会时尚人士交谈。
- This gave me a start.Wuer Kaixi was a charismatic student leader of Tiananmen Square, who, after years of exile in the United States, now lives in Taiwan. 我吃了一惊:吾尔开西是八九学运中一个很有煽动力的学生领袖,在美国流亡数年之后,现在住在台湾:"当然没有!
- Despite the official vigilance, former student leaders of the 1989 protests expressed confidence that young people in China today would eventually push the country towards democratisation. 尽管官方高度戒备,但1989年抗议活动的学生领袖表示相信,当今中国的年轻人最终将把国家推向民主化。
- Hardline student leader Esmaeil Ahmadi said the students want to fight Israel in support of Hamas. 伊朗强硬派学生领袖艾哈迈迪表示,伊朗学生希望与以色列作战,支持哈马斯。
- In this sunlight career,a headteacher is not only the students leader,but also the students teacher and intimate friend. 职业教育事业是充满阳光的事业,在阳光事业中,班主任是学生的领导者,又是学生的老师,更是学生的知心朋友。
- As a students’ leader, I put in time and energy in my work, working hard, acting initiatively and being responsible for what I did. 在担任学生干部期间,对工作认真负责,积极主动,表现出色,并取得了优异的成绩。
- In the northern city of Mosul, report said bound and bullet-riddled body of a student leader was found several days after he organised demonstrations against the outcome of the election. 在北部城市摩苏尔,据报道称发现了一具被捆绑和满身弹孔的学生领袖尸体,他是在组织反对选举结果的游行几天后被发现的。