- Every year, the College selects at least two students to join the International Student Exchange Programme to study abroad for one year or one semester. 书院每年甄选最少两名学生参加大学国际交换计划学部统筹的国际学生交换计划,往海外大学修读一学期或一年。
- She is studying for a semester at Shanghai's Fudan Univerity on a Students Exchange Programme. 在学生交流计划下,目前在上海复旦大学上课一学期。
- student exchange programme 交换(留)学生计划
- I went on a student exchange to France. 我是一名到法国的交换生。
- Here is a two?way student exchange in action. 这里就有一个正在运作的两地学生互派活动。
- ASSE is the American Scandinavian Student Exchange. ASSE是美国北欧学生交流项目。
- Student Exchange Program: Will you jump at the chance? 交换学生计划:你会抓住这个机会吗?
- ASSE is the american scaned navian? student exchange. ASSE是美国与斯堪的纳维亚地区交换学生的项目。
- A Sino-Singapore exchange programme specially targeted at tertiary students will commence this year. 然而,先前的做法多半限于派遣年轻官员到中国的机构实习、高级官员到中国修读特设的行政课程以及今年即将推行的新中大专学生交流计划,让他们有机会见识中国的发展与了解中国所面对的问题。
- The International Youth Exchange Programme aimed at providing opportunities for young people to visit overseas countries to broaden their horizon and international perspective. 委员会筹办的国际青年交流计划,可让青少年扩阔视野,增广见闻。
- I hope to get the United States as a senior visiting scholar under a reciprocal exchange programme. 我希望以高级交换学者身分访问美国。
- It is believed that this could be due to the many long-established relationships between Wales and China involving joint research, programme development, staff and student exchange and university-industry partnerships. 这要得益于威尔士和中国在合作研究、项目发展、人员及学生交流、大学-工业合作等领域建立起的长期稳定关系。
- These included the International Youth Exchange Programme that aimed at broadening the horizon and international perspective of young people. 委员会举办的国际青年交流计划,让青少年扩阔视野,增广见闻。
- Students exchange presents on New Year's Eve. 除夕之夜,学生们互赠礼物。
- Summer Exchange Programme is the only project of EFS that combines learning and sightseeing. 经济金融学会每年都会举办Summer Exchange Programme作为本学会其中一个的核心活动,透过出发前参加在洗活动、出发后游览不同地方和进行各项学术交流,以扩展参加者的视野,同时加深他们对不同地方经济发凡展的认识。
- Along with two fellow NUS undergraduates,I have been studying in Shanghai's Fudan University since September on an inter-vasity exchange programme. 我和二友人原就读于国大,九月间同行负笈上海复旦大学,参与校际交流计划。
- Last year, Sin-ying was selected a Hong Kong Youth Delegate to join the International Youth Exchange Programme to Australia. 去年,善莹获选为香港青年代表,参加国际青年交流计划,并前往澳洲作文化交流。
- The students exchanged banter with each other. 同学们互相开玩笑。
- Along with two fellow NUS undergraduates, I have been studying in Shanghai's Fudan University since September on an inter-vasity exchange programme. 我和二友人原就读于国大,九月间同行负笈上海复旦大学,参与校际交流计划。
- By Heng Poh HuangAlong with two fellow NUS undergraduates, I have been studying in Shanghai's Fudan University since September on an inter-vasity exchange programme. 我和二友人原就读于国大,九月间同行负笈上海复旦大学,参与校际交流计划。