- strychnine hydrobromide [医] 氢溴酸士的宁
- Strychnine, arsenic, and opium are poison. 马钱子碱、砷和鸦片都是毒药。
- Strychnine of Tincture was determined by HPLC. 用高效液相色谱法对制剂中士的宁进行定量分析。
- Methods:Lappaconitine hydrobromide (LH) was used as model drug. 方法:以氢溴酸高乌甲素为模型药物,制备适宜的片芯;
- AIM: To study preparation of strychnine solid liposome. 目的:探讨番木鳖碱固体脂质体的最佳制备方法。
- Dextromethorphan hydrobromide and ibuprofen capsules were determined by HPLC. 用HPLC测定复方胶囊中右美沙芬、布洛芬的溶出度。
- A bitter alkaloid poison resembles strychnine and extracted from nux vomica. 一种类似番木鳖碱的苦味生物碱毒药,从马钱子中提取。
- Why is the content uniformity tested for the scopolamine hydrobromide tablets? 氢溴酸东莨菪碱片含量均匀度检查的意义是什么?
- The contents of strychnine and brucine were determined simutanously by HPLC. 采用高效液相色谱法同时测定风湿安泰片中士的宁和马钱子碱的含量。
- Important examples in human use are quinine, nicotine, atropine, opium, morphine, codeine, and strychnine. 人类广泛应用的生物碱有奎宁,烟碱,阿托品,鸦片,吗啡,可待因等。
- It is practicable to apply the method for the assay of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide and Guaifenesin for Suspension. 结论:方法准确、灵敏、可靠,适用于氢溴酸右美沙芬愈创甘油醚干混悬剂的含量测定。
- Method The glanthamine hydrobromide dispersion tablets was prepared and the method for the quality control was studied. 方法制备氢溴酸加兰他敏分散片,制定质量控制标准,采用高效液相色谱法测定其含量、溶出度,并考察其稳定性。
- Objective To investigate the composition and preparation method of galanthamine hydrobromide dispersion tablets. 目的研究氢溴酸加兰他敏分散片的处方组成及制备工艺。
- In lab animal studies, jiang can showed a strong hypnotic effect and also showed an inhibitory effect against convulsions cause by strychnine. 在实验室内研究,僵蚕对动物有催眠作用;并且对番木鳖碱所致的惊厥有抑制作用。
- Dextromethorphan hydrobromide sustained-release matrix pellets wereproduced by extrusion-spheronisaion. 氢溴酸右美沙芬骨架缓释微丸的制备采用挤出滚圆法。
- HPLC method has been developed for simultaneous determination of strychnine and brucine in the Strychnos pierriana A. 建立了用高效液相色谱法同时测定制马钱子中士的宁和马钱子碱的含量。
- Objective To evaluate the stability of the controlled-release pellets of dextromethorphan hydrobromide. 目的考察氢溴酸右美沙芬控释胶囊的稳定性。
- VNS effects on epileptiform ECoG of rabbits with epilepsy induced by strychnine. 迷走神经刺激对士的宁致痫家兔痫性大脑皮质电图的影响。
- The lappaconitine hydrobromide was synthesized in a new way, with a yield of 84%. 同时用制备方法操作简便,反应条件温和的新方法合成了强镇痛药物刺乌头碱氢溴酸盐,产率可达84%25。
- HPLC method for determination of guaifenesin and dextromethorphan hydrobromide in dispersibletablets was established. 建立了HPLC法测定愈美分散片中愈创木酚甘油醚和氢溴酸右美沙芬的含量。