- We should work on without cease in order to finish the job on time. 我们应该不停地干,才能按时完成工作。
- We shall work on without cease in order to finish the job on time. 我们应该不停地干,才能按时完成工作。
- His tongue ran on without ceasing. 他总是说个没完。
- They worked on without cease. 他们不停地工作下去。
- Large numbers of people had to struggle on the verge of starvation. 那时许多人不得不挣扎在饥饿的边缘。
- march on without cease; march on unceasingly 不断前进
- He has agreed to struggle on, though he was hoping to retire. 他已应允再尽量工作下去,尽管他希望退休。
- We worked without cease to get the project finished on time. 我们不停地生产以便按时完成计划
- He rambled on and on without giving anyone else a chance to speak. 他不停地讲着,也不给别人一点讲话的机会。
- Life is hard but we all have to struggle on. 虽说世路多艰,但我们全都得勉力向前。
- The noise of the construction work went on for days without cease. 施工工地的噪声不间断地持续了很多天。
- Only those who struggle on can achieve success. 只有那些克服困难坚持下来的人们才能取得成功。
- Thus he proceeded for some time, walking on without ceasing, traversing at random streets of which he knew nothing, forgetful of his fatigue, as is often the case when a man is sad. 他那样走了一些时候,不停地往前走,信步穿过了许多街道,都是他不认识的,忘了自身的疲乏,人在颓丧时是常有这种情况的。
- The meeting dragged on without reaching any conclusion. 会开得很长,也没作出什么结论。
- We must work like that without cease. 我们必须不断地像那样工作。
- Slosh: He sloshed the paint on without bothering to catch the drips. 他把油漆胡乱往上一甩,连滴下来的也懒得抹一抹。
- It felt like we had walked for days without cease. 我们似乎觉得已不停地走了好几天了。
- He has agreed to struggle on,though he was hoping to retire. 他已应允再尽量工作下去,尽管他希望退休。
- Now is the time to intensify the struggle on all fronts. 现在是在各条战线上加强斗争的时候了。
- It is better to struggle on one's own than to rely on others. 虽然生活清苦,也比傍人门户要好。