- Adverse forecasting factor includes that of adverse structure, adverse magmatic rock, adverse lithofacies paleogeography and adverse metamorphism. 不利预测因素包括不利的构造因素、不利的岩浆岩因素和不利的岩相古地理因素以及不利的变质作用。
- County in intrusive rock is acidic magmatic rocks. 县境内的侵入岩主要是酸性岩浆岩。
- The composite region of geologic structure and magmatic rock, which has the advantage of making of metoallogentic belt, has formed lizhen deposit of the first mineral reserves. 在有利成矿的地质构造和岩浆岩的复合部位,形成了矿石储量最大的李珍矿床。
- Granite is the most common magmatic rock in Hunan Province.Many particular granitic scenic landscapes are formed for the different lithology or structure. 花岗岩是湖南省最为发育的一类岩浆岩,由于花岗岩岩性及构造条件的不同,造就了独特的地质地貌景观。
- The contact - metasomatic iron deposit, which emerges between intermediate - acid magmatic rock and carbonate rock, is controlled by geologic structure. 产于中酸性岩浆岩与碳酸盐岩接触带的接触交代型铁矿,受地质构造条件的控制,在安林地区形成了两条成矿带,包含8个矿田。
- The formation of the geothermal area has related with structure magma activity and depths structure variation since the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Era. 易家河地热区的形成主要与中新生代以来深层构造变异带的构造岩浆活动有关。
- The formation of ore bodies is controlled by stratum,structure,magmatic rocks,physiochemical conditions and so on. 矿体的形成受地层、构造、岩浆岩及物化条件等综合控制。
- The magmatic rock intrudes relative seriously in Wangying Colliery, rock-burst and gas outburst mainly take place near igneous rock wall. 摘要王营煤矿的岩浆岩侵入比较严重,冲击矿压和瓦斯突出多发生在火成岩墙附近。
- The middle and south magmatic rock belts express the whole evolving course of the Yarlung Zangbo Tethys in the south. 中部和南部岩浆岩带则集中体现了雅鲁藏布特提斯时空演化的完整经历。
- The magmatic rock intrudes relative seriously in Wangying Colliery,rock-burst and gas outburst mainly take place near igneous rock wall. 王营煤矿的岩浆岩侵入比较严重,冲击矿压和瓦斯突出多发生在火成岩墙附近。
- Ore-forming materials and REE possess multi-sources,RE partitioningmodel of magmatic rock shows a differant origin compared to that of country rock. 成矿物质及稀土元素具多来源性,岩浆岩及围岩中稀土配分模式显示其具不同成因特征。
- The characteristics of the strata, structure, magmatic rocks and magnetic anomaly in the west of the deposit are reviewed and its ore prospect is also... 分析了矿床西部的地层、构造、岩浆岩和磁异常特点,探讨了该区的找矿方向。
- Once the fractures are crammed, hydrocarbon only migrates through pore system of uncohesive fault rock zone, this phase is low-efficient. 诱导裂缝充填后,油气沿无黏结力断层岩带以渗流形式缓慢运移的阶段,是断裂输导油气效率较低的阶段。
- From the earth s surface to fresh bedrock the profile of slope may be divided into soil zone,saprolite zone and weathered rock zone. 从地表到新鲜岩体,随着水岩化学作用程度的逐渐减弱,斜坡剖面可依次划分为土层、腐岩带和风化岩带,各带之间多是渐变过渡的。
- According to the principle of measuring the broken rock zone(BRZ) with GPR,the method of the measuring of the broken rock zone was proposed. 根据地质雷达测试隧道围岩松动圈的原理,提出了测试方案,并在共和隧道进行了实测,得出地质偏压隧道围岩松动圈的分布变化规律。
- From the earth's surface to fresh bedrock the profile of slope may be divided into soil zone, saprolite zone and weathered rock zone. 从地表到新鲜岩体,随着水岩化学作用程度的逐渐减弱,斜坡剖面可依次划分为土层、腐岩带和风化岩带,各带之间多是渐变过渡的。
- A weak tectonic rock zone on the right bank of the project is large, with a strike paralleling to the bank slope and a dip against it. 分布于糯扎渡水电站坝基右岸的构造软弱岩带,其规模较大,且走向平行岸坡、倾向坡内,工程性状差,是糯扎渡水电站主要工程地质问题之一。
- Ore-forming material,tectonics and magmatic rocks are the metallogenic condi-tions in the studying aeea. 成矿物质和构造-岩浆活动是本区金矿床形成的条件。
- These studies , therefore, suggest that the Songsugou peridotite is not a tectonic massif of the upper mantle but a ultramafic magmatic rock body crystallized in deep crust and tectonically emplaced in the upper crust. 从而证明了松树沟橄榄岩体并不是上地幔岩石的残片,而是由岩浆在深部地壳环境下结晶而成并以固态构造侵位于地壳的上部。