- In this paper using the Structure Complexitv, we describe the different structure complexity influenced by the lineaments. 作者在本文中通过计算构造复杂度量,划分出受构造线影响地区的不同构造复杂度。
- Since the three chaotic models have different security level and structure complexity, they can be employed in various chaotic ciphers. 这三类模型具有不同的安全强度和复杂度,可满足多种安全应用环境下的混沌密码设计的要求。
- In large and medium enterprises, the organizational structure complex, bureaucratic phenomenon is relatively heavy. 在大中型企业,组织结构复杂,官僚现象相对较重。
- In addition, our country corn cultivates a structure complex, row spacing differs to 70 centimeters from 30 centimeters, still have the reason of intercropping interplanting. 此外,我国玉米种植结构复杂,行距从30厘米到70厘米不等,还有间作套种的原因。
- The MPMS fabric is proved to achieve a P times maximum port rate, a square of maximum port count, only linearly increasing structure complexity, and therefore it is much more scalable. 从性能参数和结构复杂度等方面与单级交叉开关做了对比分析,结果表明MPMS可以获得P倍的最大端口速率,平方倍的最大端口数,线性比例增长的结构复杂度,具有良好的可扩展性。
- The structural complexities must be unravelled. 必须查明构造的复杂性。
- The reliability analysis of pump station and water gate under earthquake force is rare because of the condition of hydraulic structure and structural complexity. 由于水工结构的条件、工程的复杂性,尤其是对泵房、水闸等水工建筑物在地震载荷的作用下可靠性分析研究甚少。
- The C-value paradox: no correlation between apparent structural complexity and genome size. 值矛盾:结构上的复杂度与基因组大小没有明显的关系。
- The Temple of Heaven, as an outstanding example of Chinese classic structure complex, possesses not only splendid palaces and imposing sacrificial altars, but also beautiful scenery. 天坛,作为中国古典建筑的典范之作,不仅拥有辉煌壮丽的宫阙建筑、气势恢宏的祭殿祀坛,同样以优美的自然景观著称。
- However, humin has been the least studied of all humic fractions, mainly because of its insolubility, inhomogeneity, and structural complexity. 提出近期的研究重点主要包括:(1)比较不同分离方法获得的土壤胡敏素的差异,以达到方法上的可比性和统一性,同时提出更适宜的分离方法;
- There is a secondary struct ure complex at the translation initiation region of apr mRNA.When one of the se condary structure complex at the translation initiation region of apr mRNA. 依赖链霉素突变在翻译层次抑制碱性蛋白酶基因的表达,但对中性蛋白酶基因的表达没有影响。
- Arnold, Jennifer &Thomas Wasow 2000. Heaviness vs. newness: the effects of structural complexity and discourse status on constituent ordering. Language 76(1). 曹志耘2000.;东南方言里动词的后置成分。将刊于《东方语言与文化》第一辑,上海:东方出版社。
- Because of structural complexity of equipments,it is difficult to understand its seismic behavior only with individual anal)tical calculation or structural test. 由于设备结构的复杂性,单纯采用计算分析或结构试验的方法都很难把握设备的实际抗震性能。
- Firstly, data objects in biological data sources often take the form of a hierarchically nested structure with their components missing, repeat, ordered and/or unordered. This results in the structural complexity of data objects. 首先,生物数据源中的数据对象具有结构复杂性:数据对象往往具有多层嵌套结构,对象的成分可以缺失、多次重复、有序出现或无序出现;
- From the viewpoint of height class structure,the compositional complexity of tree species H(X),structural complexity of tree species H(Y|X),and complexity of whole community H(X,Y)all increased first,but decreased then with the succession. 按高度级结构计算的群落树种组成复杂性H(X)、层次结构复杂性H(Y|X)、群落总体复杂性H(X;Y)均呈先增加后减小的趋势:H(X)指数值在演替初期阶段为2.;96;演替中期增加到3
- However, the condition of hydraulic structure and structural complexity gives difficulties to the reliability analysis. So the reliability make less, especially in pump station and water gate. 但是,对于具体的水工建筑物的可靠性分析问题,由于水工结构的条件、工程的复杂性,因此在结构设计可靠性研究方面进展甚微,尤其是对泵房、水闸等水工建筑物的可靠性分析研究甚少。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- The data acquisition and processing system of traditional vibrometer is structural complex, high cost and difficult to carry. 传统测振仪器的数据采集与处理系统结构复杂,成本较高,不易携带。
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。