- structural mechanics analysis 结构受力模拟
- Based on practices of some mines,the method of rock mechanics analysis suitable for design of structural parameters of stope is introduced. 提出了适用于矿山开采设计采场结构尺寸岩石力学分析方法,并通过相关矿山实例加以论述。
- In structural mechanics it frequently happens that the force p is instrumental in causing the displacement u. 在结构力学中,经常遇到力p是引起位移u的原因。
- The structural mechanics of modern architectonics in the West does not investigate yielding bodies. 日本塔建筑奇怪的特点:木制还防震?是真题考察的重点。
- The results indicate that the Hamiltonian systemis applicable to the mechanics analysis in piezoelectric materials. 表明哈密顿体系适用于压电材料的力学分析。
- Mechanics analysis of cylinder upsetting between flat platen and supporting ring was conducted. 摘要对水压机锻造平板、漏盘间镦粗圆柱体进行了力学分析。
- The pseudo-shakedown phenomenon in the structural mechanics of ships is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. 摘要从理论和试验研究两个方面论述了船舶结构力学中的“伪安定”问题。
- Mechanical analysis of flexible casing hinge connection. 柔性套管铰链接头力学分析。
- The human occupied vehicle (HOV) design is related to several disciplines such as hydrodynamics,structural mechanics and control theory. 传统的载人潜水器设计并不是一种最优的设计方法,并且在载人潜水器的设计过程中所要涉及多种技术学科。
- A good mechanics analysis approach was presented for reliability analysis and damage tolerance design of aerofoil ... 为机翼结构的可靠性分析和损伤容限设计提供了比较有价值的力学分析手段。
- A full appreciation of the significance of tests of constructional materials requires some knowledge of both materials and structural mechanics. 只有具备材料和结构力学这两方面的知识方能充分认识到结构材料试验的意义。
- It founds an analysis model and then does the mechanics analysis while doing the design calculation of the cross-axle. 建立了十字轴设计计算时的力学模型,并进行了力学分析;
- This is because building science evolved in the West as a discipline dealing with the structural mechanics of rigid bodies, that is, buildings of stone, brick, or concrete. 说它研究的是刚性物体,如砖、石、混凝土等建筑。
- This paper introduces the mechanics analysis, calculation and construction technique of the reinforcement of bridge structures with CFRP. 本文对CFRP加固桥梁结构进行了受力分析和设计计算,并介绍了其施工工艺。
- In this paper, the formulas for internal forces of skew curved beam bridges with arbitrary skew degrees are derived by using the principle of force-method in structural mechanics. 应用结构力学中的力法原理,推导了任意斜度的斜交弯梁桥的内力计算公式。
- Working Mechanism Analysis of Several Kinds of Gas Cleaning Devices. 几种烟气净化装置的工作机理分析。
- Mindlin, R.D.(1960), “Wave and vibrations in isotropic,elastic plate, ”in J.N.Goodier and N.J.Hoff(eds.) Structural Mechanics, ed.by,Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp.199-232. 施博仁(2004),向量多极之傅氏谱表示式及其在弹性和孔隙弹性半空间散射问题分析之应用,国立台湾大学土木工程研究所博士论文。
- In this paper, the design features, design consultancy, structural layout, spatial mechanism analysis and findings of study of the Bridge design are presented. 主要介绍该桥的设计特点、设计咨询概况、结构构造与空间力学分析和研究成果。
- The consistence of the results from two ways improves that finite element method is suitable for the mechanics analysis of th... 两种分析方法所得结果基本一致,从而证明了采用有限元方法可以对深海采矿输送软管进行力学分析。