- Applying the Monte Carlo Method with the Fuzzy Indicator Function to Compute Structural Failure Probability 用引入模糊示性函数的蒙特卡洛方法计算结构的失效概率
- Asymptotic Approximation for Structural Failure Probability in Generalized Stochastic Space 广义随机空间内结构失效概率的渐近计算
- structural failure probability 结构失效概率
- "It was structural failure," Shelton says. “这是结构遭到破坏的声音。
- Furthermore, a fault tree model based on structural reliability theory was developed for failure probability study of high arch darns, and a calculation example was given. 建立了基于结构可靠度理论的高拱坝失效概率故障树模型并给出了具体算例。
- This article presents a valuation model with failure probability based on Weston fixed growth model. 在威斯通固定增长模型的基础上,建立了考虑未来经营失败概率的估值模型;
- M/OD failure probability assessment software is the important component of M/OD assessment and optimization system tool. 空间碎片失效概率分析软件是“空间碎片防护设计软件包”的重要组成部分。
- The highest failure probability in EMC test is that radiation disturbance overruns the limitation of specification for FM broadcast receivers. 摘要指出FM广播接收机在出口认证中,EMC测试不合格项出现机率最多的是辐射骚扰超出标准限值。
- A new approach is proposed to calculate the failure probability of IBGP sessions based on the probability distribution of IGP routing recovery time. 分析了IGP路由恢复时间对IBGP会话的影响,提出一种新的基于IGP路由恢复时间概率分布的IBGP会话故障概率计算方法。
- Summary of Background Data.Tears are evidence of structural failure involving the anulus. 数据信息概要:裂隙是包括纤维环在内结构失效的证据。
- We derive the associated analytical model and the expressions for new call blocking probability, handoff failure probability, and average bandwidth. 我们推导相关之数学解析模型,以及新连结阻塞机率,交递失败机率,与平均频宽之数学表示式。
- This presentation will describe a procedure to model probabilistically the deteriorating effect on the failure probability with time. 本讲座将介绍一种能够概率模拟破坏概率随时间变化的这类衰退效应的方法。
- As the complex of the safety margin the solution of failure probability by the improved and sampling Monte-Carlo method is recommended here. 鉴于功能函数的复杂性,推荐应用改进的抽样蒙脱卡罗方法求解失效概率和可靠度。
- The sairs and remainder of the building continuously bump into each other until structural failure of the stairs takes place. 楼梯和大楼的结构物发生不断地碰撞,直到楼梯发生构造问题。
- The failure probability of the continuous slab is the sum of the product of load-appearance probability and the failure probability under the action of the corresponding load. 连续板的失效概率应为荷载出现概率和相应荷载作用下的失效概率乘积的总和。
- Munjiza A,Bangash T,John N W M.The Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method for Structural Failure and Collapse[J].Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2004,71:469-483. 胥建龙唐志平.;离散元与有限元结合的多尺度方法及其应用[J]
- It is shown that, with service degradation (CAC-RD), the new call blocking probability and handoff failure probability are smaller than those without service degradation (CAC-R). 我们发现,使用服务降级(CAC-RD)之新连结阻塞机率与交递失败机率皆低于未使用服务降级(CAC-R)之新连结阻塞机率与交递失败机率。
- A partly analytical composite Monte-Carlo method on structural failure hyperplane was proposed to efficiently and accurately calculate structural reliability. 摘要为了提高采用蒙特卡罗方法计算结构可靠度的效率和精度,提出了一种部分解析的失效面上的复合蒙特卡罗方法。
- And an analysis is made of the effects about aerodynamic admittance function, return period and several stochastic factors on buffeting failure probability for long-span bridges. 在改善结构荷载输入精度前提下,对其中多个关键环节-导纳函数、重现期、多种结构随机性进行参数分析,实现了大跨度斜拉桥抖振失效评价的过程分析,并从中得出相关结论。
- The intrinsic relations between energy dissipation,energy release,and strength and abrupt structural failure of rocks during failure process are discussed. 讨论了岩石变形破坏过程中能量耗散、能量释放与岩石强度和整体破坏的内在联系。