- I strongly urge you to give up smoking. 我力劝你戒烟。
- And I've got a strong urge to fly. 我也有强烈的激励去飞行。
- I have a strong urge to fly, but nowhere to fly to. 我憧憬飞翔,却无处可飞。
- He forced back the strong urge to stroke her. 他抑制住想要抚摩她的强烈冲动。
- We cannot too strongly urge upon you the importance of this matter. 对此事,我们无论怎样向你强调其重要性都不会过分。
- Rats Given High Sugar Diet Show Strong Urge to Have More and More. 给予高糖饮食的老鼠显现出越来越强烈的吃甜食冲动。
- Eg. Most freshmen have a strong urge to communicate. 大部分新生有一种与人交流的强烈欲望。
- After cleaning your rifle you have a strong urge for shishkabob. 保养完步枪后,你有来些中东式烤肉串的强烈冲动。
- They have a strong urge to communicate. He has an urge to join the Party. 他有迫切的入党要求。
- You have a strong urge to express your spiritual and creative freedom now. 现在你将十分急切的去表达你的精神和创造的自由。
- We must,therefore,strongly urge you to use your utmost endeavours to fix the best possible price for this first parcel. 因此,对这第一次交易,请贵公司尽量给予最优惠的价格为盼。
- I will strongly urge the central government to quickly designate this as a developmental road so that this project can start as soon as possible. 我强烈要求中央政府尽早将之列入整备路线,以尽快启动项目。
- For those States or groups making oral statements, I strongly urge them to limit their remarks to not more than five minutes. 对于作口头发言的国家或国家集团,我强烈促请它们将发言限制在不超过5分钟时间。
- He strongly urged her to do that, but did not persuade her. 他使劲劝她这样做,却没有劝成。
- We must, therefore, strongly urge you to use your utmost endeavours. to fix the best possible price for this first parcel. 因此,对这第一次交易,请贵公司尽量给予最优惠的价格为盼。
- I did not know then why I had such a strong urge to go to the retreat, but now I know. 当初我并不明白为何自己如此渴望要参加,但现在明白了。
- With the formation of co-operatives, the peasants have a strong urge to learn to read and write out of economic necessity. 农民组织了合作社,因为经济上的需要,迫切地要求学文化。
- I have very strong observation power. I can generate interesting ideas from minor things and once the idea is formed, I have strong urge to put it into action. 我认为我有很强的观察力,能从小事引发出有趣的想法。而且想法一旦形成,便有很强的愿望付诸实行。
- Involuntary loss of urine preceded by a strong urge to void, whether or not the bladder is full, is a symptom of the condition commonly referred to as “urge incontinence. 由于膀胱的病变,膀胱不管是否充盈总是不自觉迫切的要将其内的东西排出。
- In my case, however, theres just as primal and perhaps a tad stronger urge to get out. 但对我来说,更强烈的原始冲动是赶紧出去;