- Novel fingerprint classification algorithm based on ridges tracing of "stronger core point" 基于"主中心点"脊线跟踪的指纹分类算法
- stronger core point 主中心点
- He has assembled a strong core of supporters both in the politburo and in the Secretariat. 他已在政治局及书记处内组成了一个支持者的坚强的核心。
- The conception was originally derived from Kant's theory about antinomy, reformed by Schiller, and became a core point in Schiller's aesthetics. 这一概念是从康德的自然与自由的二律背反思想中衍生出来的,经过了席勒美学思想的改造,成为席勒美学中一个居于核心地位的要点。
- Strong core muscles are important for good posture, a healthy back and the feminine hourglass shape. 本辑肚皮舞躯干训练篇简单易学,国际知名姐妹舞蹈家维娜与尼娜?碧塔莎亲身传授。
- Japan selected 75 # high-carbon stainless steel, high hardness pentacyclic spring as a strong core. 选定日本75%23高碳精钢,五环高硬度的弹簧作为坚强核心。
- To push forward modernization in such a populous country with such a vast landmass, it is imperative to have strong core of leadership. 在人口如此众多版图如此辽阔的国家推行现代化必须要有坚强有力的领导。
- Belgium imports of selected fabrics and Japan 75 # high-carbon stainless steel, pentacyclic spring as a strong core, can provide more load bearing capacity. 选用比利时进口面料及日本75%23高碳精钢,五环弹簧作为坚强核心,能提供更强承托力。
- It is the core point to accomplish the brazing LY12 alloy well at middle-range temperature that the improved CsF-AIFs non-corrosive flux can remove easily the complicated oxide film on the surface of LY12 aluminum alloy. 改进型CsF-AlF_3无腐蚀性钎剂能很好的去除LY12铝合金表面氧化膜,是实现LY12铝合金中温钎焊连接的技术关键。
- Laying hens, vegetables, casting processing, cotton spinning five leading food and pharmaceutical industries to enhance the Guantao Formation of a strong core competitiveness. 蛋鸡、蔬菜、铸造加工、棉纺和医药食品五大主导产业有力地提升了馆陶核心竞争力。
- Algorithm of Extracting Core Point in Fingerprint 指纹图像中心点提取算法
- The core points of this model were task agent, navigator agent and agent pool.These three concepts help to make the system reusable. 这一模型的核心内容是任务代理、导航代理和代理池,通过这三个部分的协同工作来实现系统对于子网的透明性,即系统的可复用性;
- It chose the points in the cirque-shaped neighborhood of a core point as seeds to expand the cluster, which decreased the execution frequency of region query and reduced the I/O cost. 新算法选择处于核心点的中空球形邻域中的点作为种子点来扩展类,大大减少区域查询的次数,降低I/O开销;
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- Foreign affairs are his strong point. 外交事务是他的特长。
- Dancing is not her strong point. 她不擅长跳舞。
- The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 这支军队击败了比他们强大得多的敌军,赢得了奇迹般的胜利。
- Test and study of the strong core cement mill pile 刚芯水泥土搅拌桩的对比试验研究
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- The man attached a strong rope to his sled. 那人将一条结实的绳子系在他的雪撬上。