- Properties of Strong Coupling Polaron in Quantum Dot 量子点中强耦合极化子的性质
- Ground State Binding Energy of Strong Coupling Polaron in a Infinite Quantum Well 无限深量子阱中强耦合极化子的基态结合能
- The excitation energy of the strong coupling surface polaron have been calculated using Huybrechts method by the present authors and co-workers. 本文研究磁场中强耦合表面极化子的性质,采用改进的线性组合算符法导出了有限温度下强耦合表面磁场化子的有效质量。
- There is strong coupling among uhe channels of BTT missile because of its aerodynamic appearance and speedy rolling. 倾斜转弯(Bank-to-Tum,BTT)导弹由于气动外形不对称,以及存在较大的滚动速率,其各个通道之间存在强烈的耦合。
- When the fiber grating is “strong” coupling, a multi-passband filter can be constructed. 当光纤光栅是“强”耦合时,该滤波器可以构成多通带滤波器。
- The properties of a strong coupling magnetopolaron in polar crystals are studied using a linear combination operator. 本文采用线性组合算符法研究极性晶体内强耦合磁极化子的特性。
- The influence of electron spin on the properties of the strong coupling surf ace magnetopolaron was discussed. 讨论了电子自旋对强耦合表面磁极化子性质的影响。
- EFC effectively resolved the entrance press of ball tube mill and temperature strong coupling of its export, This system can better control function of ball mill. 实践表明,该系统既简化了多变量控制系统的模糊控制规则,又有效地解决了磨煤机入口负压和出口温度强耦合的问题。
- The features of BTT control have determined that BTT missile is a strong coupling and time varying system, which is hard to design a control system. BTT控制技术的控制特点决定了BTT导弹成为一个强耦合的非线性时变系统,这为其控制系统设计增大了难度。
- Because the flexible arm is a nonlinear and strong coupling dynamic system, the method of fuzzy self-tuning PID controller is proposed. 针对研究对象强非线性和强耦合性的特点,提出了一种具有自适应特点的PID参数模糊自调整控制方案。
- This method can be used in the analysis of the stability of large-scale systems which can be decomposed into unilaterally strong coupling sub-systems. 用此方法可分析子系统间单方向强耦合的大系统稳定性问题。
- CMAC and nonlinear PID combined controller is proposed for the complex nonlinear, strong coupling, multi-variable robot dynamic system. 摘要针对工业机器人是一个复杂的非线性、强耦合、多变量的动态系统,提出了CMAC与非线性PID复合控制器设计。
- The electro-hydraulic load simulator is a complicated mechanical-electron hydraulic compound system with strong coupling and time-varying. 摘要电液负载模拟器是一种具有强耦合、时变等特性的复杂机电液复合系统。
- On the Strong Coupling Case for Spin-Dependent Interactions in Scalar- and Vector-Pair Theories W.Pauli and N.Hu Rev.Mod.Phys. 应该算一个纯种中国人哦,和泡利合作,呵呵,这我原来是不知道的,虽然很久以前就很仰慕他老人家,牛啊,敬礼!)
- Results show that the La2O3 and SrCO3 are transparent to 2.45 GHz microwave , whereas Co304 behaves with a strong coupling and absorbability with this waveband. . 研究表明:La2O3和SICO3是2.;45 GHz微波透明材料;而Co3O4则具有很强的微波偶合吸收能力;
- With the field application made, it has been proved that the system can effectively solve the problem of long delay and strong coupling in the ball mill coal pulverizing system. 现场应用表明此系统可有效解决磨煤机制粉系统的大迟延,强耦合控制问题。
- In this paper,the interaction between surface electron and surface optical phonon for a strong coupling polyatomic polar crystals in magnetic field is studied. 本文研究磁场中强耦合多原子极性晶体中表面电子和表面光学声子的相互作用。
- With the field application made, it has been proved that the system can effectively solve the problem of long delay and strong coupling in the ball mill coal pulverizing system . 该措施实施后,有效地控制了燃用高挥发煤时制粉系统爆炸的发生,提高了制粉系统运行的安全性。
- During the CO2 Short-Circuiting Transfer Welding control process, there are a lot of phenomena such as nonlinear, time-variation, time-delay, and strong coupling and so on. CO2短路过渡焊接过程是一个非线性、时变、滞后和强耦合的现象,经典控制理论和现代控制理论难以达到理想的控制效果,而采用模糊控制仍是一种简单有效的控制方法。
- Electric Field Strength and Potential in Couple Polaron Field 电偶极子电场中的电场强度和电势