- The C subset of C++ is easier to learn for C/C++ novices and easier to use than C itself.The reason is that C++ provides better guarantees than C (stronger type checking). C++的C子集对于C/C++初学者来说是比较容易,而使用C本身 确实比较容易,原因在于C++提供了比C(强型别检查)更多安全性。
- The type check for ldelema is an exact match, which is too strong. ldelema的类型检查是完全匹配,条件太强了。
- strong type checking 强类型检查
- As a consequence type checking becomes undecidable. 作为结论类型检查成为不可判定性的。
- At run time, no type check operation is performed. 运行时不执行类型检查操作。
- Doing so causes the compiler to perform argument type checking. 这样做会导致编译器执行参数类型检查。
- XML schema is used for type checking of typed XML. XML架构用于对类型化的XML进行类型检查。
- For more information, see Type Checking in Visual Basic. 有关更多信息,请参见Visual Basic中的类型检查。
- Wh: System.Object is weak type, all other type is strong type. Most of time, we should choose strong type because of compile-time security check. 什么是弱类型,什么是强类型?在系统设计中应该首先考虑使用哪种类型?
- Directive to set the strong type for the master page, as accessed through the. 属性访问的母版页的强类型。
- He would have liked stronger static type checking of template arguments. 他本来想要更强的模板参数的静态类型检验。
- Generic collections are the best solution to strong typing. 泛型集合是设置强类型的最佳方式。
- The following code example demonstrates how to specify the path to a file that generates the strong type. 下面的代码示例演示如何指定生成强类型的文件的路径。
- J/SQL promotes safety through compile-time type checking so your database doesn't crash. J/SQL通过编译时类型检查提高了安全性,因而数据库不会崩溃。
- The query-processing engine also uses the schema for type checking and to optimize queries and data modification. 查询处理引擎也使用该架构进行类型检查并优化查询和数据修改。
- There are many advantages of strong typing in a programming language. 在编程语言中,强类型有许多优势。
- Class adding strongly typed helper methods. 类,添加了强类型帮助器方法。
- ASP.NET AJAX also does some type checking in debug mode where it makes sense to help developers catch bugs earlier. ASP.;NET AJAX还会在调试模式下执行某些类型检查;这对开发人员更早捕获Bug很有帮助。
- Collection is not strongly typed. 集合并非为强类型。
- C++ improves on C in significant ways , especially in supporting strong typing. C++在很多重要方面对C语言做了改进,特别是在支持强类型方面。