- strong monsoon year 强季风年
- Warnings of strong monsoon and thunderstorms were in force. 强烈季候风及雷暴警告正在生效。
- Aerodrome Warning and the Strong Monsoon Signal were issued. 天文台发出了机场天气警报和强烈季候风信号。
- A day with Strong Monsoon Signal issued at any time during the day. 指该日内天文台曾发出强烈季侯风信号。
- strong monsoon years 强季风年
- The Observatory also warns of thunderstorms, floodings, landslips, fire danger, strong monsoon and frost. 天文台也负责发出雷暴警告、水浸警告、山泥倾泻警告、火灾危险信号、强烈季候风信号和霜冻警告等。
- The Observatory also warns of thunderstorms,floodings,landslips,fire danger,strong monsoon and frost. 天文台也负责发出雷暴警告、水浸警告、山泥倾泻警告、火灾危险信号、强烈季候风信号和霜冻警告等。
- Tropical cyclones and strong monsoon winds also play a role in mixing of the water masses. 热带气旋和强烈季候风亦增强了海域水体的混汇情况。
- The Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted at noon and remained in force throughout the day. 当日北风增强,强烈季候风信号于中午悬挂并整天生效。
- Compare with South China Sea, the interseasonal variability of equatorial eastern Indian summer monsoon is more typical than that of SCS in SCS strong summer monsoon years. 相比之下,在南海强夏季风年,赤道东印度洋的季节内振荡比南海的更具典型性。
- Numerical results also indicate that: the development of cumulus convection, triggered by the SCS cold surge,is a fundamental factor in forming the strong monsoon precipitation and low-level stationary disturbances over indonesia and Borneo. 数值研究还指出; 印尼加里曼丹的强季风降水及常驻性低层扰动形成的基本因子是南海冷涌所触发的积云对流发展。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- My grandfather is80 this year, but he is still going strong. 我爷爷今年80, 但他的身体依然硬朗。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- The man attached a strong rope to his sled. 那人将一条结实的绳子系在他的雪撬上。
- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- A strong crosswind caused our gunboat to lay along. 一阵猛烈的侧风把我们的战舰吹得倾斜起来。
- He has a strong political background. 他有强大的政治背景。
- The rose sends out strong fragrance. 玫瑰散发出浓郁的香味。