- strong and lasting partnership 坚实而持久的伙伴关系
- The new drugs came into the market constantly, their functions were strong and lasting, and had few adverse reactions, had few suppressing effect on central nervous sy... 为此,临床的选用和合理应用有待于我们审慎地研讨。
- A relationship,partnership and lasting commitment. 2一段恋情,一份友谊,一份永久的承诺。
- Thickening of the skin lesions of chronic phase, was moss-like change, with more cream and emulsion, through their strong and lasting effect, and there is the role of lubrication and skin care. 慢性期皮损增厚,呈苔藓样变时,多用软膏和乳剂,它们穿透力强,作用持久,且有润滑及护肤作用。
- He was first and last an administrator. 他一直是个行政管理人员。
- Maybe it was not strong enough and lasting. 也许是不够坚持。
- He was a real gentleman, first and last. 从各方面来看,他都是个正人君子。
- He is not only strong and healthy but also very smart. 他不仅强壮健康,而且还很聪明。
- The result indicate that compare with the pineapple wine, mix fermented fruit wine contain more high boiling point material; the fruit aroma is stronger and lasting longer. 结果表明,与菠萝果酒相比,混酿果酒含有更多中、沸点的香气物质,产品的果香浓郁,留香持久。
- Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy. 我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。
- There are many strong and stately towers in Beijing. 北京有很多坚固而雄伟的城楼。
- And last but not least there is the question of adequate funding. 最后同样重要的是要有足够的资金的问题。
- Old Mabel is still going strong and still working on his farm every day. 老梅布尔依然很健壮,每天还在他的农场里工作。
- Every cager on our team is very strong and healthy. 我们球队里的每个队员都很健壮。
- Queen of England as the sixth and last wife of Henry VIII. 帕尔,凯瑟琳1512-1548英国皇后,是亨利八世的第六位也是最后一位妻子
- I come on strong and try to pick up a girl. 为亲近那女孩猛灌迷魂汤。
- The film starts at 7.30 and lasts two hours. 影片7点30分开演,演两个小时。
- Strong and durable quality Manilla Board. 强化坚韧马尼拉纸板。
- Everyone has his own strong and weak points. 每人都有自己的长处和短处。
- Rain settled in shortly before midday and lasted all afternoon. 雨是快要到中午的时候开始下的,并持续了一整个下午。