- There is a strong wind and heavy rain accompanied by thunder and lightning. 风很大,大雨伴着打雷和闪电。
- They battled strong winds and heavy rains in their carriage. 他们驾着马车与狂风暴雨搏斗。
- Shanghai has announced some of the coastal blue typhoon warning signal, warning the process of rainfall in these areas is likely to be heavy rain and heavy rain, wind and strong winds occur. 上海部分沿海地区已对外发布台风蓝色预警信号,警示这些地区的过程雨量可能达到大雨和暴雨程度,并将出现风力较强的大风。
- The ship ren into strong winds and heavy seas. 船遇上狂风和汹涌的海浪。
- Strong winds and heavy rains from Cyclone Aila lashed eastern India and Bangladesh on Monday, killing at least 15 people and stranding thousands in their flooded villages. 周一,热带风暴艾拉刮起的强风和带来的暴雨袭击了印度和孟加拉国东部,造成至少15人死亡和数千人被困在洪水淹没的村庄。
- It forecast the typhoon moving at 20 to 25 km per hour would begin to affect coastal cities of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou with strong winds and heavy rains from Tuesday. 据报道说以每小时20至25公里移动的台风将会影响到厦门,杭州,泉州等沿海城市,从周二开始将伴随着强降雨,大风天气。
- Strong winds and heavy rains lashed the coast of Coal Island today making it impossible for our team of Young Explorers to return to the island to lay the last traps. 狂风暴雨像鞭子一样抽打着煤炭岛沿岸,使得我们的队员回到岛上放置最后扑捉器成为不可能。
- The ship ran into strong winds and heavy seas. 船遇上了劲风和巨浪。
- Construction environment: Before construction starts, care about weathers so as to avoid working in bad weathers like strong wind, heavy rain and heavy fog, etc. 施工环境:施工前应关注天气情况,以避免在大风、大雨、大雾等不利天气下施工。
- There was a heavy rain and a strong wind last night. 昨晚雨下得很大,风也刮得很大。
- In mid-west and south, high winds and heavy rains have done damage. 在中西部和南方有大风和暴雨造成损害。
- Protection: It can prevent riverbank from strong wind and heavy rain. Besides, it can protect dam and the bottom of river and prevent the loss of sand. 防护作用:防止堤岩受风,浪,雨的冲刷,并可用于护岸,护坡,护底,防止水土流失。
- Powerful winds and heavy rain came down on Taiwan as another typhoon made landfall. 随着另一次台风在台湾登陆,狂风暴雨袭击了台湾。
- His hat blew off in a strong wind and landed up on top of a lorry. 他的帽子被一阵大风吹起,最后落到一辆卡车的顶上。
- Hurricane Wilma is crossing Florida with high winds and heavy rain that have already caused flooding and a loss of power in many areas. 维尔玛飓风带狂风暴雨经过佛罗里达州,在很多地方造成水淹和电力中断。
- Vision unobstructed hot days, strong winds and heavy natural ventilation, natural lighting are very nice! 视野无阻 热天自然风强 通风采光都很不错!
- The shanty tottered in the strong wind and fell. 棚屋在大风中摇摇晃晃,最后倒塌了。
- Inching northwestward toward the coast at 10 kmph, strong winds and heavy rainstorms are expected to lash most of Zhejiang and east and north of Fujian. 据悉"莫拉克"正以每小时10公里的速度向西北方向移动,将给浙江大部、福建东部和北部等地带来强降雨和大风。
- Dark clouds were bearing down, and heavy rain would come soon. 云幕低垂,大雨就要来临。
- Thunderstorms and heavy rain lashed Hong Kong yesterday. 香港昨日受雷暴及暴雨打击。