- It is the principle wielding machinery , the stroke of a Chinese character on typewriter General type module beats in stencil paper outside , go along mimeographs and then again. 它是运用机械原理,在打字机上将铅字模块上的笔画敲打在蜡纸表面,然后再进行油印。
- The first stroke of a Chinese character 检字法上指一个字的第一笔
- One should pause when starting a stroke (of a Chinese character). 起笔的时候要顿一顿。
- strokes of a Chinese character 笔划
- A stroke of a key, as on a word processor. 按键(如在文字处理机上)按一下键
- A stroke of a key,as on a word processor. 按键(如在文字处理机上)按一下键
- It's a story of a Chinese emperor. 讲的是一个中国皇帝的故事。
- Longnan is a new model of a Chinese boomtown. 龙南县发展模式是促进中国城镇经济繁荣的一种新模式。
- The following list is in order of strokes of Chinese Characters. 下列次序以电影的中文片名笔划排名。
- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
- Rapid strokes of a pastry brush dipped into golden oil. 软毛刷浸到金黄色的油中并且快速地划几下。
- It was a stroke of luck that I found you here. 我在这里碰见你真是运气。
- Your idea was a stroke of genius! 你的主意真了不起!
- Did you ever hear of a Chinese composer named Nie Er? 有位名叫聂耳的中国作曲家,你听说过了吗?
- Curt never did a stroke of work. Catch him! 柯特从未做过一点工作。
- Xu Xian was senseless after the stroking of a big snack. 受到巨蟒的惊吓,许仙昏倒。
- What a stroke of luck to meet you here! 在这儿碰到你真是幸运!
- Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship. 大明和西蒙做了一个中国太空船模型。
- Some commentators even saw the dawning of a Chinese glasnost. 一些媒体的评论员称看到了中国正府公开化的曙光。