- Phase Gradient Autofocus Algorithm for Stripmap SAR Autofocus 相位梯度自聚焦算法在条带模式SAR中的应用
- Analysis of Requirement to the Yaw Angle Error in Stripmap SAR Imaging 条带SAR成像对偏航角最大误差要求的理论分析
- Flight Path Estimation of Stripmap SAR Based on Phase WeightedEstimation PGA Algorithm 基于PWE-PGA算法的条带SAR载机航迹估计
- stripmap SAR 条带SAR
- The SAR Government is extremely mindful of this. 特区政府对这点极为重视。
- Then is your mom OK with thi sar? 那你妈妈对这个安排感到满意吗?
- Focus Sound Engineering Company (HK SAR). 汇韵音响工程有限公司.
- How has Edwin van der Sar helped you? 范德萨是怎么帮助你的?
- It was easy pickings for Edwin van der Sar, though. 不过这对于范德萨来说是很轻松的。
- The ECCM of SAR is partially discussed as well. 文中对合成孔径雷达的反对抗措施也进行了讨论。
- E di morte lo stral non sar lento! 死亡之箭就要来到!
- A.Ites-VOUS sar(e)quil lfa fait? 您肯定是他干的?
- The one with Edwin van der Sar in goal. 把手大门的是范德萨。
- I would like to highlight a few features of life in the new SAR. 我想扼要谈谈特区成立后,香港人生活方式的一些特点。
- The Hong Kong SAR Government is extremely mindful of this. 香港特区政府极为重视这情况。
- Among my highest priorities is to make the SAR more competitive. 使特区更具竞争力,是我的首要工作之一。
- The SAR Government's fiscal policies are prudent and sound. 特区政府的理财政策审慎而稳健。
- The interests of the nation are also the interests of the SAR. 国家的利益,也是特区的利益。”
- Long positions should be closed when price falls below SAR line. 当价格低于SAR线的时候,长期的持有头寸应该被关闭。
- The SAR Government will continue its work to this end. 特区政府会加倍努力做好工作。