- strip cropping field 等高条植地
- Graded banks are not constructed nor is strip cropping practiced. 河岸梯田没有构筑,条畦种植也没有进行。
- T2 Strip cropping: Upland rice and soybean planted in 6m strips. T2条带状种植:旱稻和大豆分别种植在6米宽的条带上;
- For these areas, terracing or strip cropping could be suitable to reduce soil erosion.7. 对于这些地区,采用梯化或等高种植的耕作措施可以大幅度减轻土壤侵蚀的发生。
- The average bacteria amount of A.flavi incontinuous cropping field was more than that inrotation field. 连作田间的黄曲霉平均菌落数大于轮作田间。
- In the harvesting season, the crop fields are shinning. 丰收的季节,田野一片耀目。
- In this paper, the principle and the method of the discrete time Markou Decision Programming (MDP) have been used for the MDP model of irrigating the crop field. 本文应用离散时间的马尔可夫决策规划(MDP)的原理和方法,建立了农田灌溉的MDP模型。
- Irrigated crop fields stand out starkly against an expanse of Qatari desert. 灌溉农田作物立足点对荒凉的版图,卡塔尔沙漠。
- Strip Cropping as a Way to Increase Cowpea Production 尼日利亚农民尝试新的种植方法提高豇豆的常量
- Robot farmers could soon lead to crop fields being replaced by metal shipping containers. 不久,机器人农夫就可以用金属集装箱代替耕地种植庄稼。
- Alley cropping; strip cropping Growing two or more crops in alternating strips or blocks on the same piece of land at the same time. 在同一块田里按条或块同时种植两种或两种以上的作物。
- Non-crop habitats show positive or negative impacts on the pests and natural enemies in crop fields. 非作物生境对作物生境中的害虫及其天敌可产生正的或负的影响。
- The farmer who needed labor in crops field perhaps more loved the country girl, Dongshi who was industrious and hardworking. 家里需要在田里作庄稼的农人,也许就比较喜欢东施这样吃苦耐劳的乡下姑娘。
- Alley cropping; strip cropping: Growing two or more crops in alternating strips or blocks on the same piece of land at the same time. 条植法;条播法:在同一块田里按条或块同时种植两种或两种以上的作物。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- You dump, I irrigate; when the farmer opens the irrigation channel, the water that flows from homes and factories will seep right into the crop fields. 你排、我灌,老农夫打开闸门,由住宅与工业区一路流来的水,将继续涌向农业区。
- Elephants strip the leaves from trees. 大象剥去了树上的叶子。
- Irrigation Fields, Qatar, 2003 Photograph by Robb Kendrick Irrigated crop fields stand out starkly against an expanse of Qatari desert. 意译:灌溉田地,卡塔尔,2003年。灌溉作物田野突出荒凉的宽阔的卡塔尔的沙漠为背景。
- England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。
- rotation paddy-upland crop field 水旱轮作田