- Suddenly the leaders broke into a gallop. 突然先导马开始飞跑起来。
- The horse struck into a gallop. 马突然奔跑起来。
- I saw him strike into a bookshop along the road. 我看见他突然拐进路旁一家书店里去了。
- All the horses broke into a gallop. 所有的马突然飞奔起来。
- I saw him strike into a restaurant along the road. 我看见他突然拐进路旁一家餐馆。
- My horse suddenly broke into a gallop. 我的马突然飞奔起来。
- strike into a gallop (马)开始奔驰
- At once the orchestra struck into a lively air. 乐队突然奏起一支轻快的调子。
- The dancers broke into a cha-cha; The horse broke into a gallop. 舞蹈演员变步为恰恰舞。
- He simply went faster and put his horse into a gallop. 他干脆把他的马更快,又成为驰骋。
- Suddenly it showered and we had to strike into a bookstore along the road. 突然下起阵雨来,我们只得躲进路边一家书店。
- When he saw Luigi, he put his horse into a gallop and advanced toward him. 他一看到罗吉,就纵马疾弛,向他奔来。
- The horse stumbled in a rut, then swerved aside and broke into a gallop. 马在沟里颠簸了一下,接着歪到一边,飞跑起来。
- The horse stumbled in a rut , then swerved aside and broke into a gallop. 马在沟里颠簸了一下,接着歪到一边,飞跑起来。
- Meanwhile, some cabbies in the south China resort city of Sanya continued their strike into a fourth day. 与此同时,三亚市一些出租车司机的罢工行动进入到第四天。
- A chill struck into the narrow of his bones. 他感到一股寒意,透入骨髓。
- While Tom is standing up on the coach looking at his father, the horses suddenly break into a gallop. 当汤姆在四轮马车上站起来,回头看他的父亲时,那几匹马突然飞奔急驰起来。
- From a distance they are the embodiment of equine grace, three creatures ready to burst into a gallop across the sands. 看上去栩栩如生的马竟然都是用那些被冲到海滩的枯树枝做成的。
- She neighed again, and all the animals broke into a gallop and rushed into the yard. 于是,所有的动物全都奔跑着冲进了大院。
- The yeti, for his part, took off at a gallop and disappeared into a swirling snow storm. 犹如雪人身体的一部分;他们飞奔并消失在茫茫的暴风雪中.