- Why does the Cylon strike force withdraw before destroying the Colonial Fleet? 赛昂的攻击力量为什么要在摧毁殖民地舰队之前就撤回?
- The strike forced the closure of the factory. 罢工迫使该厂关闭。
- Night once more veiled the Main Striking Force. 夜幕又一次覆罩着主力部队。
- They were cruelly tagged the crock and the flop but suddenly Newcastle can boast potentially the most explosive strike force in the land. 虽然纽卡斯尔现在的处境岌岌可危,但是他们所蕴藏的英超最犀利的锋线组合很快即将爆发。
- A striking force was sent to take the hill. 派一支突击部队攻占那座山丘。
- The eastern strike force made good progress before being stopped by German counterattacks. 东路的突击力量在德军开始反击前取得了很大的进展。
- The reconnaissance battalion again proved its worth as a hard-hitting mobile strike force. 侦察大队再一次证明他们是一支坚强的力量。
- Field Marshal Erich von Manstein now started to muster his panzer strike force to seal the gap in the line and defeat the Soviet tank armies. 埃里希冯曼施泰因元帅现在开始集结他的装甲部队来应付前线的混乱局面并且计划击败苏军坦克集团军。
- The gravity well projector was removed by a Rebel strike force assisting a Squib mission to disrupt the Ugor trash-hauling racket. 后来这个发生器被一支反抗军的突击分队移走了,这个突击分队参与的正是袭扰尤果垃圾场的爆竹行动。
- India's central government sent a team of 200 people Strike Force also rushed to Mumbai to support and assist in the investigation. 一支由印度中央政府派出的200人反恐精英部队也同时赶往孟买进行支援并协助调查。
- The awesome Main Striking Force stumbled on a cheap victory. 强大的主力舰队无意中赢了一场唾手可得的胜利。
- He has starred in two Hong Kong movies (“China Strike Force” and “The Avenging Fist”) and two Japanese movies (“Moon Child” and “Starlit High Noon”). 他出演过两部香港影片(“雷霆战警”和“铁拳”)和两部日本影片(“月光游侠”和“日正当中的星空”)。
- Strike Force Norburn detectives have previously maintained the murders were was not linked to the robbery because Mr Lin could not identify the attackers. 专案组先前说林家谋杀和运钞车劫案没有关系,因为林先生不能确认劫匪,
- The strike force was pitifully small: only 16 Matilda Mark IIs with two-pounder guns and 58 machine-gun-armed Matilda Mark Is, backed by two battalions of British infantry. 进攻部队的规模很小:只有16辆装备2磅炮的马蒂尔达II型坦克和58辆装备机枪的马蒂尔达I型坦克,两个英军步兵营提供支援。
- The shimmering canopy of ion trails and turbolaser bursts was fading into streaks of ships achieving jump as the Sepa ratist strike force fled in full retreat. 由离子尾迹和涡轮激光束交织而成的闪耀华盖逐渐黯淡,大量战舰二连三地跳入了超空间,分离分子的攻击部队开始全面撤退。
- Wenger had a converted midfielder at right-back( Lauren), a hitherto average midfielder at centre-back( Kolo Toure), a lack of cover in midfield and a strike force that relied almost exclusively on one man, Thierry Henry. 温格把一个中场队员转化成右后卫(伦)把一个此前平平的中场队员塑造成中后卫(雷)中场缺少替补,前锋线完全依赖亨利一个人的进球。
- The Premiership champions are expected to lose Hernan Crespo before the new season kicks off but have bolstered their strike force with the addition of Ukrainian superstar Andrei Shevchenko. 人们英超冠军将在新开始前失去克雷斯波,不过有乌克兰超级巨星舍甫琴科的加盟,他们的锋线攻击力将会被加强。
- The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 码头工人将举行罢工要求增加工资。
- Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. 受罢工影响最严重的是乡村地区。
- The strike has now been politicized. 这次罢工现已带有政治色彩。