- The Supreme Court strikes down a law. 最高法院可推翻国会通过的法律。
- A: The Supreme Court strikes down a law. 答:最高法院可推翻国会通过的法律。
- The committee reached an agreement to strike down a law requirement. 委员会达成一致取消一项法律规定。
- Strike down a law requirement. 取消一项法律规定。
- Strike down a law requirement . 取消一项法律规定。
- strike down a law 取消一项法律
- The last child in the world will be inflicted with polio and never again with that strike down a child. 世界上将剩最后一位受到小儿麻痹痛苦折磨的孩童,并且该疾病永远无法再伤害任何一位孩童。
- The police put the strike down with a strong hand. 警察以强硬手段镇压罢工。
- He is pushing for a law to allow security forces to shoot down a plane commandeered by hijackers. 他正推动一条法律,期盼能允许安全部队直接击落由掠夺者霸佔的飞机。
- IN 2000 the Supreme Court struck down a Massachusetts law boycotting companies investing in Myanmar, saying it weakened the president's ability to make foreign policy. 在2000年,最高法院驳回了马萨诸塞州反对公司投资缅甸的法案,声称该法案削弱了总统制定外交政策的能力。
- The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班轮在浓雾中撞沉了一只渔船。
- A child was struck down by lightning in the storm. 暴风雨中,一个小孩被雷电击倒。
- My car's a law unto itself I can't rely on it. 我的汽车自行其是--靠不住了。
- Sale is down a bit due to the revaluation. 由于货币升值销售额有下降。
- The old woman fell down a flight of stairs. 那位老太太从一段楼梯上摔了下来。
- He washed down a pill with water. 他用开水吞服药丸。
- A law officer, such as a sheriff or marshal. 执法吏法律官员,如美国的县行政司法长官或警长
- In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose. 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。
- She worked as a typist in a law firm. 她在一家律师事务所当打字员。
- Let the broth simmer down a bit more. 让肉汤炖得再久一些吧。