- strigose lunate vitta 新月形粗条(长蝽科)
- Stems erect, simple or branched, densely strigose. 茎直立,单一或分枝,密被糙伏毛。
- Stems several, 15-20 cm tall, short strigose. 茎数个,15-20厘米高,具糙伏毛的短。
- Stems very slender, glabrate or appressed strigose. 茎非常纤细,脱毛的或贴伏糙伏毛。
- Stems and petioles of basal leaves strigose. 茎和基生叶的叶柄具糙伏毛。
- Stem erect, hollow, sulcate, glabrous or strigose. 茎直立,空,具槽,无毛的或具糙伏毛。
- Raceme strigose and yellow glandular puberulent. 总状花序具糙伏毛和黄具腺被微柔毛。
- Shrubs;young shoots coarsely strigose. 灌木幼枝粗的糙伏毛。
- Hypanthium 2-2.3 cm, densely squamose strigose. 托杯2-2.;3厘米,浓密具浓密鳞片状糙伏毛。
- Filament tube sparsely strigose. 花丝筒疏生糙伏毛。
- Objective: To explore how to treat the necrosis of lunate. 目的:探索治疗月骨缺血坏死的有效方法。
- A method to measure the vitta’s position is given in this paper. 本文提出了一种测量汽车油管位置的方法。
- Research on Photoelectric Measurement of the Vitta's Position[J]. 引用该论文 伏燕军;杨坤涛;张南洋生.
- Conclusion: The way to treat the neciosis of Lunate is reliable. 结论:带蒂豌豆骨联合局限腕骨融合术治疗月骨坏死是可行和可靠的。
- Cymes falcate, terminal on leafy branches, strigose, 2-15 cm long. 聚伞花序镰状,顶生,被糙伏毛,长2-15厘米;
- Inflorescences densely short strigose, many flowered, ebracteate. 花序浓密短具糙伏毛,多花的,无苞片。
- Branchlets thin, densely sticky and shortly strigose. 小枝细,密被发粘和短糙伏毛。
- The lunate is in a satisfactiry position.Normal radio-carpal joint noted. 香港的医生采用保守治疗,我觉得效果不太好。
- Hypanthium 5-9 mm, densely compressed strigose, margin fimbriate. 托杯5-9毫米,浓密压扁具糙伏毛,边缘流苏状。
- Hypanthium globose-urceolate, pubescent or squamose strigose. 托杯球状瓶形,短柔毛或者具鳞片具糙伏毛。