- A theoretical formula is proposed between the stress sensitivity index and the compressibility of rock. 文中建立了岩石应力敏感指数与压缩系数之间的理论关系式。
- The more compressible the rock is,the higher the stress sensitivity index will be. 岩石的压缩性强,岩石的应力敏感程度就高。
- stress sensitization index 胁迫敏感指数法
- Condusion Plasma D-dimer is a sensitive index in DIC. 结论D-二聚体是诊断DIC较敏感的指标。
- The enhanced hsp70 irnmunoactivity might be one of the mechanisms for preventing cells from DND, hsp70 mRNA provides a sensitive index of stress response. hsp70表达增强是减少DND的机制之一,而hap70mRNA可能是应激状态较好的指标。
- Stress sensitivity has relationship with water saturation of reservoirs. 低渗透气藏岩心的孔隙度随有效压力的增大呈指数关系递减。
- Stress sensitivity of rock is closely related to its compressibility. 岩石的应力敏感程度与岩石的压缩系数之间存在密切的关系。
- So AC value of BGR seemed to be a sensitive index in detecting ear... AC值的测定方法经改进后;全血用量可减至0.;02毫升;并省去了一些特殊装置;为现场调查时提供了方便。
- AKP is a sensitive index in assessment of zinc status and bone metabolism. AKP在锌对骨发育的研究中是一个较为敏感的指标。
- Based on the influence of stress sensitivity on the logging surface fracturing pressure,an interpretation model for. 地层破裂压力是钻井液密度确定、井身结构和压裂设计施工的基础数据。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Conclusion The measurement of TBA was a sensitive index of diagnosing liver diseases. 结论胆汁酸测定是诊断肝脏疾病的重要指标。
- The research results show the force sensors can be constructed using amorphous alloy materials with high stress sensitivity. 研究结果表明具有大的应力敏感性的非晶带材料可用来制作力传感器。
- For 1 H-MRS exam, NAA/Cr ratio is a rather sensitive index for early detecting DBI and for correctly assessing the prognosis. DBI1H MRS各项指标中 ,NAA/Cr较敏感。 通过观测NAA/Cr的变化 ,可早期诊断DBI,且对病情的发展作出准确的估测
- According to this formula,due to the weak compressibility of rock,the stress sensitivity is extremely minus,which can be neglected in produc... 根据该公式,油藏岩石的压缩系数很小,应力程度极其微弱,生产过程中可将其忽略。
- The factors including clay content &calcite cement have an important effect on the stress sensitivity of low-permeability rocks. 粘土总量和有无方解石胶结对低渗透岩石压敏效应的影响更为显著。
- The level of serum CG may be a reliable and sensitive index which monitors the hepatotoxic during the antituberculotic treatment. 故血清CG可作为监测抗结核药物治疗中对肝脏损害的一项较可靠的灵敏指标。
- The stress sensitivity evaluation shows that the matix block sensitiveness is weak to middle,the fracture reserovoirs sensitiveness is strong. 储层应力敏感性评价认为工区储层基块应力敏感性为弱-中等,裂缝性储层应力敏感性为强。
- It was found that the toroidal cores of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si15.5B7 alloy can obtain a lower stress sensitivity after proper heat treatm... 结果表明,通过合适的热处理工艺可以降低合金的应力敏感性,使得该合金绕制的铁芯在相对变形率为5%25时,磁导率指标的变化率小于40%25。
- The fasting blood suger (FBS) and fasting serum insulin (FSI) were measured, and calculated the insulin sensitive index (ISI) before and 8 weeks after therapy. 治疗前及治疗8周后,分别测空腹血糖(FBS)及空腹血浆胰岛素(FSI),计算胰岛素敏感指数(ISI),并与35例性别、年龄、体重指数相同的健康者比较。