- Formula for approximative stress calculation of expansion loop is described with a design case cited. 介绍了膨胀环应力近似计算公式及设计实例。
- The complex stress calculation formula, after starting of necking in simple tension experiment, is deduced in the paper. 导出了单向拉伸试验颈缩开始后复杂应力的计算公式。
- Considering ANSYS code function, an engineering method is put forward for thermal stratified stress calculation of pressurizer surge line. 结合ANSYS程序功能,提出了波动管热分层应力计算的工程方法。
- Based on the calculation and analysis,the abac for shearing stress calculation in the range of normal parameter is obtained. 在计算与分析的基础上 ,给出了常用参数范围内的剪应力计算诺模图
- This article has described the column surface 4 steps expanded calculation method adopted for the Hertz contact stress calculation of heavy machineries. 介绍在重型机械赫茨接触应力计算中,采用圆柱面4阶展开的计算方法。
- An effective stress calculation formula for coal containing gas is proposed coupling with the swelling stress of gas adsorption in the effective stress principle for porous media. 摘要首先在多孔介质的有效应力原理中引入瓦斯吸附的膨胀应力,推导出了适用于含瓦斯煤岩的有效应力计算公式。
- Application of the method in the finite element simulation of metal forming process obtains a good accuracy in stress calculation with large strain increments. 将该算法应用于金属塑性成型过程的有限元模拟,较好地解决了大步长情况下应力计算精度低的问题。
- The pre-tensile stress in wire layer of new type wire wound super high pressure vessel was analyzed,and yielding stress calculation of the wire layer was been formularized. 对新型绕丝式超高压容器的缠绕钢丝层进行了预应力分析,推导出了钢丝层在预紧状态下的屈服压力计算公式,对进一步探讨和研究超高压容器的性能具有一定参考价值。
- Based on the reported theoretic formulae for stress analysis of straight weld angular distortion , additional bending stress and the maximum stress calculation formulae due ... 给出了螺旋焊管焊缝极限噘嘴高度的计算公式,为螺旋焊管质量控制和安全性评定提供了理论依据。
- By the use of finite element method, the stress calculation of damageable zone was conducted by the author, and proved that the strength of that zone had no problem. 作者采用有限元法对易损部位进行了应力计算,证明该部位的强度没有问题。
- A new type structure of wire wound super-high pressure vessel was presented.By the analysis of new type wire wound force state,it formularizes the stress calculation. 提出了一种新型绕丝式超高压容器的结构,并对其进行了应力状况分析,推导出了绕丝层的应力计算公式。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Americans generally use either the short ton or the kip in their stress calculations. 美国人在桥梁的应力计算中通常用短吨,或者用千镑。
- In the mechanism analysis of consolidation of foundation soil by heavy tamping method, the dynamic contact stress calculation of hammer bottom and foundation surface is the key technical problem. 摘要在强夯法加固地基机理的分析中,夯?底部与地基表面的动接触应力计算是关键技术问题。
- By use of the finite element equation from Biot theory, it presents the analysis and calculation of the uneven thaw collapse and deformation of tundra subgrade, and given the reference to attaching stress calculation. 采用Biot固结理论的有限元方程,对多年冻土地区路基的不均匀融沉变形进行计算与分析,为路面融沉附加应力计算提供依据。
- The article gives a chance to discuss some features in design of reboiler oil return pipeline with respect to process design and a summary of results of stress calculation is made. 根据工艺设计要求,对某加氢装置重沸炉转油线的设计特点进行了讨论,对应力计算的结果进行了汇总。
- If the closure head of the vessel consists of the large-scale flange and the head cover with the two of them weld together directly, the stress calculation error obtained by GB150 will be even larger. 当容器的大型端盖采用封头与大法兰直接连接的结构方式时,用GB150得到的应力值的计算误差可能更大。
- The shear lag coefficient is determined by the r atio between stress calculated by this method and stress decided by elementary b eam theory. 在两端简支的边界条件下采用分离变量法求解偏微分方程,得到用级数表示的应力解,然后根据剪力滞系数的定义即可得到组合箱梁翼板的剪力滞系数。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- Whether vaulted expansion of semi-rigid base will happens was judged by comparing the thermal stress and critical stress calculated with the two theories respectively. 采用材料力学中的压杆失稳理论和弹性力学中的薄板压曲理论对半刚性基层由温度变化引起的拱胀问题进行分析。