- The volume change journal is being deleted. 正在删除卷更改日志。
- The volume change journal is not active. 卷更改日志处于非活动状态。
- Too much stress from writing the shitty essay. 即使有我也不怕了。就是怎么闯我还没想好。
- The volume change journal service is not active. 卷更改记录服务不处于活动中。
- Relieve stress from low quality breeding environments. 可解除因生活环境引起的紧迫。
- I suffered from mental fatigue because of stress from my job. 由于工作的压力,我深受身心疲劳之苦。
- Your problem is that can't abstract the stress from the cathedra. 你的问题在于不会从讲座中提炼重点。
- The experimental data show that the plastic strain of granite mainly depends on the strain energy of distortion due to deviatoric stress, but not on the strain energy of volume change. 实验结果验证了花岗岩的塑性应变主要与偏斜应力产生的形状改变比能有关,而与体积改变比能的关系不大。
- The documents argued Craig entered the plea under stress from the media. 文件中称克雷格是迫于媒体的压力才承认有罪的。
- The stress, due to restrained volume change related to thermal deformation and shrinkage in the early age concrete, is the main driving force for the deleterious cracking in the construction stage. 早期混凝土由于体积变形受到约束而产生的应力是导致混凝土开裂的主要因素。
- I feel stressed from time to time. 我有时感到有压力。
- The basic plastic deformation laws of compressible sintered powder materials such as volume change, mass constancy, small Poisson ratio, hydrostatic stress affecting on yield etc. are analyzed. 摘要本文分析了粉末烧结材料塑性变形的基本规律,指出了现在粉末烧结材料屈服条件与实际情况不相符的问题。
- I always try to keep job stress from spilling over into my personal life. 我总是努力控制工作压力,不让它影响到我的私人生活。
- To relieve your stress from business, you should get it off your chest. 为了减轻你事业的压力,你必须把话倾吐出来。
- The research shows that their changes were similar with those of Populus ussuriensis wood. The volume change from MDF to WCS mainly lies on the thickness change. 结果表明 :中密度纤维板在进行树脂浸渍和高温烧结过程中 ,其主要质量和体积变化规律与以大青杨木材为原料的情况基本相同 ,但中密度纤维板烧结成木陶瓷的体积变化主要在于其厚度变化
- It is stress-strain demonstrates the properties of non-linear and harden, volume change is always shearing shrinkage. 不同配比的淤泥废弃泡沫塑料轻质混合土的常规三轴试验(CU、CD)表明,其应力-应变关系具有明显的非线性特征和应变硬化特征。
- TDC synthetic well logging instrument can measure the volume change of mud in several mud pits at the same time. 综合录井仪采用了完全相同的浮子式传感器测量电路对多个泥浆池中泥浆的体积进行测量。
- For years, researchers thought CWD resulted from nutritional deficiencies, poisoning, or stress from confinement. 多年来,研究人员一直以为慢性消耗病来自于营养不良、毒素,或因圈养造成的压力。
- Based on the analysis of the defect, a new control method is proposed to address the abrupt volume change on TV signal switch. 摘要针对电视接收机信号切换时音量常常突兀变化的设计缺陷,在对其进行综合分析的基础上,提出一种新的控制方式。
- Religious beliefs can help relieve people's stress from work, disappointment of life, etc. 宗教信仰能帮助人们解除对生活的失望等。