- streptococcus group E vaccine 链球菌E型菌苗
- A user in routing group A sends a message to a recipient in routing group E. 路由组A中的用户向路由组E中的收件人发送邮件。
- The only remaining neighbor is routing group E, which has a current distance value of 2. 余下的唯一一个相邻路由组是路由组E,该路由组的当前距离值为2。
- Sum of plasma true insulin level at OGTT in Group A,B,C and D was respectively lower than that in Group E. A、B和D组OGTT各时段 (除 30min外 )胰岛素水平及各时段总和均高于E组 ;
- Compared with Group E,HR and SBP of T_2,T_3,T_4 and DBP of T_2,T_3 were significantly higher in group C(P<0.05). 两组比较对照组T2、T3、T4时HR、SBP及T2、T3时DBP均明显高于实验组(P<0.;05);
- In addition, LETO and group E rats had higher level of glucose infusion rate than group C and D rats(P < 0.05). 对照组和E组大鼠的葡萄糖输注率均明显高于C组和D组大鼠(P值均<0.;05)。
- The ATP content in fetal livers was lowest in Group EP, second lowest in Group E. 胎肝组织ATP含量以EP组降低最明显,E组次之。
- England are now in second spot in Group E and Barry feels the team will head to Russia next month full of confidence. 英格兰现在在E组排名升至第二,巴里感觉球队将会自信满满的面对下个月与俄罗斯的大战。
- China will take on Canada in its second match of Group E on August 9 while Sweden will face underdog Argentina. 8月9日,中国将在E组第二场比赛中迎战加拿大队,瑞典将对阵首场战败的阿根廷队。
- Group E has two families, which regulate embryonic segmentation, somitogenesis and organogenesis etc. E组有2个家族, 调控胚胎分节、体节形成与器官发生等;
- Group E also includes the Celtic team from Ferguson's native Glasgow and Danish side Aalborg. E组还有来自爵爷老家格拉斯格的球队凯尔特人以及来自丹麦的阿尔堡。
- Victory over Aalborg at home in the final game will ensure the Reds finish top of Group E. 如果能在最后一个比赛日主场击败奥尔堡的话曼联就能锁定E小组头名。
- Chelsea midfielder Lampard has seen England drop to third in Group E behind Russia and Croatia after last month's dismal defeat in Zagreb. 切尔西中场兰帕德见证了英格兰上个月在萨格勒布的溃败后,球队没落到第E小组的第三位。
- Group E consists of hosts China, Sweden, Argentina and Canada, while Group F features DPR Korea, Nigeria, Germany and Brazil. 组包括东道主中国、瑞典、加拿大和阿根廷,F组有朝鲜、尼日利亚、德国和巴西队。
- HR of T_2,T_3,T_4,SBP and DBP of T_2 were higher remarkably than those of T_0 in Group C(P<0.05),whereas no obvious variations in Group E. 对照组T2、T3、T4时HR、T2时SBP及DBP均显著高于T0时基础值(P<0.;05);实验组各时点指标无明显变化;
- streptococcus group A vaccine 链球菌E型菌苗
- England are playing catch-up in Group E behind Croatia and Russia, but Neville is confident The Three Lions will secure qualification to Euro 2008. 英格兰再E组中落后克罗地亚和俄罗斯,但内维尔确信三狮军团一定会安全拿到2008年欧锦赛的资格。
- In Group E in Wroclaw, Poland, things went from bad to worse for the hosts, as they lost to Dominican Republic, Thailand and USA at Cetennial Hall. 第四局一上来薛明就拦死皮切尼尼强攻,而王一梅发球得分让中国队2-0领先。随着李娟、周苏红扣球连续得分,中国队6-2扩大优势。
- Group E exercised with rolling cage training, net curtain training and walking balance beam training, but Group C had no intervention. 运动组行网屏训练、平衡木训练、滚笼训练,对照组不作任何干预。
- Because no additional transfer paths are available to routing group E, the message remains in routing group D, until at least one transfer path is available. 由于没有可用于路由组E的其他传输路径,因此邮件将保留在路由组D中,直到至少有一条传输路径可用。