- CECS146 : 2003 Technicalspecification for strengthening concrete structure with carbon fiberreinforced polymer laninate[ S] .Beijing : [ s. n. ] ,2002. CECS146 :2003碳纤维片材加固混凝土结构技术规程[ S ] .;北京: [ 出版者不详];2002
- The usual method of strengthening concrete structures with fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) is to bond FRP sheets on the surface of concrete, so the bond strength between concrete and FRP sheets is a key issue which affects strengthening. 纤维增强塑料(简称FRP)加固混凝土结构通常是将其粘贴在混凝土的表面;因此FRP材料与混凝土结构之间的粘结性能成为影响加固效果的关键因素.
- Because the top of concrete platform of the carbide furnace has big spans and it carries a heavy load,the scheme of the strengthening concrete with trifurcate beam is used in the structure. 电石炉本体上部钢筋混凝土平台因承受的荷载大、工艺要求的跨度大,采用了劲性混凝土三叉梁的方案,文章针对这一新型结构形式的施工,从方案选择、钢筋接头设置、钢结构制作、灌浆和安装,以及钢纤维混凝土等主要方面进行了介绍。
- In China, the study of FRP has been developed since the end of last century, and the technology of strengthening concrete structures with bonding exterior FRP is the focus of study. 我国于二十世纪九十年代后期开展FRP的研究应用工作,其中外部粘贴FRP片材加固混凝土结构技术是目前研究的重点和热点。
- Firstly, a comparatively experimental study on wire mesh-mortar (WMM) strengthening concrete circular column and steel bar mat-mortar (SBMM) strengthening columns under axial load was carried out. 先进行了钢丝网砂浆加固素混凝土圆柱试验研究,对比了39根钢丝网和钢筋网加固柱的性能。
- hybrid fiber strengthening concrete beams 混杂纤维布加固梁
- It adopts strengthened concrete columns that38frame columns of1st floor underground to24th floor above ground of Beijing SOHO Mod ern City A Wing. 北京SOHO现代城A座地下1层至24层的38根框架边柱,采用劲性混凝土柱。
- Cantwell W J,Smith K.Static and dynamic response of CFRF strengthened concrete structures[J].Journal of Materials Science Letters,1999,18(4):309-310. 涂智溢;马芹永.;国外碳纤维增强复合材料加固补强结构的发展趋势[J]
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- The effect is validated that ferrocement strengthens concrete shear walls via work of this thesis, and a new field is inaugurated to ferrocement application in civil engineering. 通过本文的工作,验证了钢筋网复合砂浆加固混凝土剪力墙的效果,对钢筋网复合砂浆加固法在土木工程中的应用开辟了新的领域。
- Research on Strengthening Concrete Structure with Ferrocement 钢丝网复合砂浆加固混凝土结构研究
- He has been brought in to strengthen the defence. 已请他来加强后卫力量。
- The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods. 混凝土墙是用钢筋加固的。
- About two thousand men were ganged out to strengthen the works. 约有二千人编组成军加强防御工事。
- Present investigations on prestressed CFRP laminates mainly focus on anchorage system,experimental and theoretical studies as well as nonlinear element analysis of strengthened concrete beams. 目前国内外已有的研究主要包括预应力CFRP板锚具研究、预应力CFRP板加固混凝土梁试验研究、预应力CFRP板加固混凝土梁非线性有限元分析以及预应力CFRP板加固混凝土梁理论研究等4个方面。
- We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我们需要一台起重机来吊起混凝土块。
- The machine rests on a bed of concrete. 机器安装在混凝土基座上。
- That new concrete building is an abomination. 那座新混凝土建筑是个讨厌的东西。
- The road was paved with concrete. 路面由混凝土铺成。
- A framework to support or strengthen a mine or shaft. 井壁基架用来支承或加固矿井的构筑