- Filled Teflon can be used as tabbing rings, piston rings, bearing material and sealing material. 填充四氟制品可做导向环、活塞环、轴承材料、密封材料等。
- The influence of porosity in oil bearing material on oil extraction is described. 本文主要描述了物料的多孔性对油脂制取的影响。
- In the end, it introduces the development of the bimetallic bearing material and combination technology for bearing bush. 最后介绍了用于轴瓦的双金属轴承材料和复合工艺的发展。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- Light steel keel is new-style material, it is becomes with cold turn of galvanization armor plate, classics or punch ceiling and framework bearing material. 轻钢龙骨为新型材料,它是以镀锌钢板、经冷弯或冲压而成的顶棚和骨架支承材料。
- He greeted me with a stream of abuse. 他见到我就连声辱骂。
- He uttered a stream of profanities. 他说出了一连串不敬的话。
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- Teenagers often go against the stream. 青少年经常反潮流而动。
- The new plant comes on stream in March. 新工厂将於三月份投产。
- All these fact have borne out the hypothesis. 所有这些事实证明了假设的正确性。
- He bathed in many a limpid stream. 他在许多清澈的溪流中沐浴。
- The castle defenders were borne down. 城堡的守军被制服了。
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我们的花园有一边以小河为界。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
- Some methods for the preparation of porous oil bearing material, such as saturated Water Cooking, mechanical pressing, pelleting with evaporating and extruding etc. are also reviewed. 同时,还介绍了几种多孔性物料的制备方法,如饱和水份蒸坯法、机械压榨法、造粒蒸发法以及膨化法等。
- I've seen the stream of lava from a volcano. 我见过火山喷发出的熔岩流。
- The stability of bearing materials is of utmost importance to the stability of the gyro. 轴承材料的稳定性对陀螺仪的稳定性是极为重要的。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。