- The Xiaogan city brand strategy implementation, must take the filial piety culture as a pivot, promot. 孝文化是孝感市的特色文化,也是孝感市实施城市品牌战略的最佳切入点。
- Describe the differences between strategy formulation and strategy implementation. 描述战略制定和执行之间的区别。
- In the strategy implementation process, resource should be utilized logically and every active factor should be mobilized by formal or informal ways. 当战略付诸实施时,必须运用正式和非正式的手段,合理调配利用资源,动员组织内一切积极因素。
- This uses common code to control the generation process, calling methods of the strategy implementation to generate the appropriate code for a particular type of operation. 这种方式使用公用代码控制生成过程,调用策略实现方法为一种特定的操作生成合适的代码。
- In addition, the follow up pursuer will continue the consistent research of business competitive strategy implementation and analysis of administration achievements observation. 另外关于竞争策略的落实与企业经营绩效的观察分析则有待后续研究者的持续追踪与研究。
- It has been shown that there are significant interrelationships between Sun Tzu s principles of situation appraisal, strategy implementation, and strategic control. 现代的经理人,若能将孙子兵法的原则与企业经营融合在一起思考,则便能并发出更多变而有弹性的策略及方法来解决企业经营所面临的问题。
- AOP makes security strategies implementation more flexible and easy. AOP编程技术使安全策略设计更灵活,更容易实施。
- Thirdly, the development strategy goal of the enterprise is introduced, and strategic collocate the development phase are be construed.Lastly, the means of strategy implement are presented. 然后对专业服务提供商的宏观环境进行了分析,同时通过分析现实情况并借助SWOT分析方法,对上海散化的内外部环境进行了综合分析,从而提出了企业发展的战略目标,通过对战略配套以及企业发展阶段的分析,最后提出了企业战略实施的方法和步骤。
- Reviewed poliomyelitis in the world-wide incidence of distribution areas,and a detailed account of the global polio eradication strategy implementation and effect of implementation. 对脊髓灰质炎在全世界范围内的发病情况及地区分布状况进行了回顾,并详细介绍了全球消灭脊髓灰质炎策略的执行情况和实施效果。
- Strategy implementation is the process by which management translates strategies and policies into action through the development of programs, budgets and procedures. 战略实施是指通过开发经营项目进行预算等手段将战略与政策转化为行动的过程。
- A fallback buffer is required even if the strategy implemented by a particular fallback does not require emitting data. 即使由特定回退实现的策略不需要发出数据,仍然需要回退缓冲区。
- For these reasons, it is critical that you understand how backup and recovery features function for your database management system, and that you have a well-planned backup strategy implemented. 由于这些原因,理解数据库管理系统中备份和恢复功能的工作原理,并实施经过精心规划的备份策略,就显得至关重要了。
- The essence of all good strategy is simplicity. 一切优秀战略的精髓是简单。
- He is an expert in military strategy. 他是军事战略专家。
- A lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy. 一笔利润收入; 一套赢利的市场策略
- The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy's resistance. 这一策略旨在逐步削弱敌人的抵抗力。
- To develop and implement Bellwether Strategy. 发展和完成项目的领导地位战略。
- Draw out and implement purchasing strategy. 拟订和执行采购战略。
- Implement a link building strategy for your site. 为你的网站制定一个链接建设战略。
- I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation. 我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。