- Then the strategic aim of the company in 3 to 5 years has been detailedly advanced and fractionized , strategic scheme has been put forward . 随后,提出未来3-5年乃至更长时期的具体战略目标,并进一步对公司的战略目标进行细分,从而提出相应的战略方案。
- Westernizing and splitting up socialist China is a long-term strategic scheme of the reactionary forces both at home and abroad, and also their common goal for the time being. 西化、分化社会主义中国,是国内外敌对势力长期的战略图谋,更是他们当前的共同战略目标。
- Strategic Scheme for VLCC Fleet Development of China 发展我国巨型油船船队的战略规划
- The scheme is still on the anvil. 这计划尚在筹划中。
- A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme. 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新的信用购物方案。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- They pooh-poohed our scheme for raising money. 他们对我们的筹款方案嗤之以鼻。
- alternative of strategic schemes 战略替代方案
- The scheme had been batted around for a few weeks. 这个方案被反复讨论了几个星期。
- A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular. 以敌人要害为目标的一次战略性进攻
- Trust you to dream up a crazy scheme like this! 亏你想得出这种异想天开的计划!
- The factory launched out on a new scheme. 这家工厂开始实行一项新计划。
- They pestered her to join in the scheme. 他们不断要求她参与那计划。
- He did not oppose the scheme as such. 他并不反对那项方案本身。
- I see great possibilities in the scheme. 我看这计划很可能成功。
- The merits of the scheme are quite obvious. 该计画的可取之处是相当明显的。
- The company pension scheme is non- contributory. 这个公司的退休基金计划是不缴纳费用。
- All opposition to the scheme has collapsed. 对这一计划的反对意见都已驳倒。
- The scheme is still in its embryonic stage. 她脱颖而出成为著名艺术家。
- The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals. 该国建立了战略性金属材料贮备。