- Kerry also wants to stop filling the nation's backup stockpile of emergency crude oil, the strategic petroleum reserve. 克里还想通过动用美国的紧急能源储备,也就是战略石油储备来缓解能源紧张局面。
- If Iraqi supplies alone were cut off, the strategic petroleum reserve would make up the shortfall for two years. 如果仅仅伊拉克停止石油供应,美国的战略石油储备能填补缺口,足够使用两年。
- The Bush administration says it will temporarily suspend oil deliveries to this Strategic Petroleum Reserve starting in July. 布什政府表示七月份启动的石油储备策略将会延缓石油的临时输送。
- The policy of strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) in our country is inchoate now. The decision-making on SPR scale is an important content in SPR management. 我国的战略石油储备(Strategic Petroleum Reserve,SPR)政策刚刚起步,对SPR规模进行决策,使其保持在合理范围,是SPR管理的重要内容。
- Van Hollen says Democrats want President Bush to release some of the gasoline in the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve and focus more on alternative sources of energy. 凡.;霍伦说,民主党希望布什总统从国家战略石油储备中拿出一部分石油,同时集中精力研发替代能源。
- Fourthly, the use of strategic petroleum reserves in the US, whether or not politically motivated, should have some short-term dampening effect on oil prices. 第四,美国动用战略石油储备,无论这个决定是否有政治动机,短期内应可对油价上升有心理和实际上的缓和作用。
- Port Condition Requirements for National Strategic Petroleum Reserve Base 国家战略石油储备基地对港口条件的要求
- Prediction of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Based on Gray Theory and the Determination of Capacity of Oil Storage Vessel 我国战略石油储备量预测及储油船容量确定
- strategic petroleum reserve 战略石油储备
- strategic petroleum reserves 战略石油储备
- Official funding used for petroleum reserve should come manly from state investment and other various channels, such as policy loans or bond issuance. 政府储备资金应以国家投资为主,并广开融资渠道,利用政策性贷款、发行债券等多种方式予以解决。
- strategic petroleum area selection 战略选区
- strategic petroleum target area selection 油气资源战略选区
- The NPV evaluation method often underestimates the real values of petroleum reserves. 用传统的净现值法评估储量价值时,往往会低估储量的实际价值。
- Low-grade petroleum reserves has a large proportion in the total petroleum resources in China. 低品位石油储量在中国石油资源总量中占有很大的比重。
- In this paper, the construction features and the safety management system of petroleum reserves of Tomakomai-Tobu in Japan is introduced. 根据实地调研,对日本苫小牧东部石油储备基地的基本构建特点和该基地的管理体制、储罐的主要特点与检修管理和安全管理等方面做了介绍。
- This model fits the accumulative wells and petroleum reserves in Dongying sag, better than simple exponential decline model and subsection exponential decline model, and predicates the future exploration benefit and accumulative petroleum reserve. 与简单指数下降模型和分段指数下降模型相比,该模型能更好地拟合东营凹陷累计探井数和累计探明地质储量数据,并能够对未来勘探效益变化和累计探明地质储量做出合理的预测。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- Pimentel also calculated that if the entire world ate the way people in the US do, Earth's petroleum reserves would be exhausted in just thirteen years. 比门铁尔并估计,假如世人的饮食方式都像美国人一样的话,那么全球的石油将在短短13年内全部耗尽。