- DHL increases its share in Sinotrans to 5%, thereby becoming Sinotrans'largest strategic investor. DHL对中外运的持股比例达到5%25,因此成为中外运最大的战略投资者。
- Pan Gongsheng: In the present market, found a qualified strategic investor is not the easy matter. 潘功胜:在目前的市场上,找到一个合格的战略投资者并不是容易的事。
- Moreover, its strategic investor HSBC, which holds 20% of Bank of Communication should help the development in retail and credit card business. 另外,持有20%25权益的汇控(5)亦料可协助交行发展零售银行及信用咭业务。
- The list of strategic investors settled, the original strategic investor ITOCHU, Pohang, in the coal, China Minmetals has been out. 此次战略投资者名单落定,原定的战略投资者伊藤忠、浦项、中煤、中国五矿均已出局。
- According to reports, the transaction does not come from the United States bank or Temasek might have come from a strategic investor in the Mainland. 据报道,该笔交易并非来自美国银行或淡马锡,可能来自于内地一家战略投资者。
- In early 2006, Wong Kwong Yu in the proposal, the introduction of Gome U.S. fund Warburg Pincus as a strategic investor, Warburg won the Hong Kong dollar 1.2 billion in cash. 中英文对照:2006年初,在黄光裕的建议下,国美电器引入美国华平基金作为战略投资者,获得了华平12亿港元现金。
- Equity Investment: as the strategic investor, the foreign investor shall establish a Sino-Foreign joint venture and execute cooperative management, and share risks and profit. 股权投资:外方作为战略投资者,建立中外合资企业,共同经营管理、共担风险、共享利润;
- Should the investor fail to duly complete the strategic investment, the official approval from the authorities of examination and approval automatically ceases to be in force. 投资者未能在规定时间内按战略投资方案完成战略投资的,审批机关的原则批复自动失效。
- international strategic investor 国际战略投资者
- Our approach is geared to embrace and extend the value of what strategic investments clients and partners have already made. 我们的方法已经进行了调整,以接受和扩展客户和合作伙伴所作出的战略投资的价值。
- Coordinator: Sports Center of China Central Television Shanghai Wushu Association D'Long International Strategic Investment Co. Ltd. 协办单位:中国中央电视台体育中心、上海市武术协会、德隆国际战略投资有限公司。
- Both parties are involved in tactical allocation of assets to specific markets with the strategic investment benchmarks as references. 储备管理部和土地基金办公室是参考策略性投资基准来决定在个别市场的短期资产分布策略。
- Article 3 Investors may undertake strategic investment in accordance with the Measures after the approval of the Ministry of Commerce. 第三条经商务部批准,投资者可以根据本办法对上市公司进行战略投资。
- Strategic investments in Japanese corporations: do foreign portfolio owners foster underinvestment or appropriate investment? 在日本公司的战略性投资:外国资产所有者投资合适还是低于合适的标准?
- Temasek likes medium-term investments and strategic investments, and from their perspective, having a good holding is good value. 从他们的角度来说,持股才是最好的价值。”
- The Asia Pacific-region and China in particular, is one of Stora Enso’s clearly stated geographical areas for strategic investments. 亚太区尤其中国是斯道拉恩索战略投资版图上最重要的市场之一。
- In addition, Mr.Woll has worked extensively on acquisitions, divestitures, joint ventures and strategic investments by foreign companies in China. 1997年开始,他一直居住在北京和香港,此前曾在纽约、洛杉矶和东京工作。
- The investment benchmark, which directs the long-term strategic investment of the Exchange Fund, is derived having regard to the investment objectives of the Exchange Fund. 投资基准是在参考外汇基金的投资目标后才定出,而外汇基金的长远策略性投资将会参照投资基准进行。
- Its major servicing includes medicine, estate the domain such as service of development, steely, mining industry, retail, banking and strategic investment. 其主要业务包括医药、房地产开发、钢铁、矿业、零售、金融服务及战略投资等领域。
- Prior to SAIF, Mr.Huang was Partner at SUNeVision Ventures and Senior Manager of Strategic Investment at Intel Capital.Priortohis investment career, Mr. 在加入软银亚洲之前,黄先生先后为香港新意控股公司的企业风险投资公司之合伙人和英特尔公司战略投资机构的高级经理。