- A dimension whose attributes represent planning or strategic analysis information. 一种其属性表示计划或策略分析信息的维度。
- Rowley, G. (1997), Mergers in Higher Education: A Strategic Analysis, Higher Education Quarterly, 51(3), 251-263. 蔡秀英(2000);我国高等教育整并模式研究;中原大学企业管理研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- It is imperative to possess strategic analysis methods when formulating hospital development strategy. 制定医院发展战略首先需要掌握战略分析方法。
- And using relevant analytical means freely such as Market Prediction, Localization of target client demand, carried on STP strategic analysis. 在目标市场的选择、产品定位分析中,灵活地运用所学的相关理论和分析手段,如市场预测方法,目标客户需求定位法等,进行了详细的STP战略分析。
- Chapter five is strategic analysis and selection and set up strategic targets and demonstrate selection of development tactics. 第五部分主要是战略分析与选择,确立了企业的战略目标和企业发展战略。
- JINGQUAN LI,RIYAZ SILORA,MICHAEL J,GEK WOO TAN.A strategic analysis of inter organizational information sharing[J].Decision Support System,2006,42:251 -266. 石小法张丽清等.;信息对供应链的影响研究[J]
- The application of SWOT combination and its strategic analysis method enables students in job choice to make a sensible analysis of their own and the conditions so as make... 运用SWOT组合及其战略分析法,可以使大学生在择业时,能对自己和环境做出理性的分析,从而做出科学的选择。
- Strategic decisions are made by decision information provided in the period of strategic analysis, including trade opportunities, competing patterns, enterprise ability, etc. 战略决策依据战略分析阶段所提供的决策信息,包括行业机会、竞争格局、企业能力等方面做出。
- This program is designed to acquaint managers with the basics of strategic thinking and strategic analysis as it is practiced. This program is intended to enhanc... 这一计划的目的是熟悉管理人员的基本战略思想和战略分析,因为它是实践。这项计划旨在加强战略能力和工作人员都行经理。
- Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Polyols Markets 美国多元醇市场的策略性分析
- virtual water strategic analysis 虚拟水战略分析
- Strategic Analysis Support Group 战略分析支援大队
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular. 以敌人要害为目标的一次战略性进攻
- One who draws blood for analysis or transfusion. 放血医师为化验或输血而抽血的人
- Strategic Analysis of Thermal Cycler Markets in Europe 欧洲温度循环反应器市场相关策略分析
- Strategic Analysis of U.S. Markets for Vitamin A and Beta-carotene 美国维他命A与胡萝卜素市场之策略分析
- Your critical analysis helped me a great deal. 你的评论分析对我帮助很大。
- The metal was submitted to analysis. 对该金属进行了分析。