- Strategic Cooperation Agreement was signed after project review in Yantai of Shandong. 去山东烟台进行项目考察签定战略合作协议;
- As the strategic cooperation platform of Jidong Cement Group and SMEC, TangshanDunshi Electric Co. 唐山盾石电气有限责任公司作为冀东水泥集团公司和西门子制造工程中心有限公司的战略合作平台,引进西门子公司在电气自动化系统方面的最新技术和先进的管理经验,通过自主研发、设计,以国际先进的质量标准生产制造电气成套设备。
- Kefa company is willing to set up long-term and friendly strategic cooperation relationship with you! 能保持长期稳定的质量标准和不断采用最前沿的国际标准。
- We and many companies have reached a strategic cooperation agreement with other services to more circumspect with their clients, customers saved money. 我们与众多公司达成战略合作协议,取长补短,以便更周到服务与客户,让客户省心省钱。
- In 2006, Siemens signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Tsinghua University, elevating the partnership to a new level. 2006年,西门子与清华大学签署了一份战略合作协议,把合作提升到一个新的层次。
- Aluminum Company on the 11th with the China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company in Beijing signed a strategic cooperation agreement. 中铝公司11日与中国远洋运输(集团)总公司在京签署了战略合作协议。
- Against such a background, it serves the fundamental interests of both sides to solidify political trust and intensify strategic cooperation. “中阿合作论坛”的创立和发展,为双方加强集体对话与协作开辟了广阔前景。
- December 10, the Bank of China and the Linde Group of Germany to be held in Shanghai strategic cooperation agreement signing ceremony. 12月10日,中国银行与德国林德集团在上海举行战略合作协议签字仪式。
- Beijing Dongcheng District Government and the Copyright Protection Center of China (CPCC) signed a letter of intent for a strategic cooperation. 北京市东城区人民政府与中国版权保护中心签署了战略合作意向书。
- Sino International is a diversely developing company.It has established strategic cooperation relationship with many partners. 先诺国际是一家多元化发展的公司,并建立了众多的战略合作伙伴。
- On Christmas Eve, the disclosure of SMIC, and Datang Telecom has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement to develop TD-SCDMA business. 圣诞节前夕,中芯国际披露,已与大唐电信订立战略合作协议,合作发展TD-SCDMA业务。
- Huang suggested a strategic cooperation between Zaobao Online and Eyah.com,saying such cooperation would help him spin an even better tale before investors. 可想而知,早报电子版以今日的实力,将给他在争取投资者信心时,增加一个大大的炒作筹码。
- But the strategic cooperation both countries envisaged, particularly in light of the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia and the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, never materialized. 两国之间原来设想的战略合作,特别是鉴于越南入侵柬埔寨和苏联入侵阿富汗,这种设想尤为突出,但却从未实现过。
- Backed by outstanding quality standard established since long time ago, Natsun Garment has won many sincere and excellent long-term strategic cooperation partners worldwide. 有赖于长久以来建立的杰出品质标准,南山服饰已经在全球范围内赢得了众多真诚、优秀的长期战略合作伙伴。
- This visit is expected to further bolster the two countries' friendship, deepen strategic cooperation and bring the bilateral relations to a new height. 中方期待通过此访进一步加强中马友好,继续深化两国战略合作,将中马关系推向更高的水平。
- Before joining Accenture, Wang was the vice president of BeyondSoft Group from 2004 to 2008 in charges of marketing department and Group M &A and strategic cooperation. 在加入埃森哲之前,王晓艳于2004-2008年任博彦科技集团副总裁,主管市场部和集团的并购及战略合作。
- Bank of China said that with the Linde Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement for more than two decades is the result of cooperation between the two sides. 中行表示,与林德集团签订战略合作协议,是二十多年来双方合作的结果。战略合作协议的签署,将促进双方在更宽领域开展深层次合作。
- Home and building materials manufacturers to carry out strategic cooperation, it is a Chinese home building materials company's impressive sales figures. 建材厂商与家装公司进行战略合作,也正是看中了家装公司建材销售的骄人数据。
- The customer is liable for breakage. 顾客对破损承担法律责任。