- strata dorsale [医] 背侧层(丘脑)
- stratum dorsale 背侧层
- We can follow the history of life through the strata. 我们可以通过这一层层的地层跟踪生命的历史。
- The shark's dorsal fin was cut off by the fisherman. 鲨鱼的背鳍被渔夫割了下来。
- They represent each society stratum. 他们代表各个社会阶层。
- The older strata gradually disintegrate. 较老的岩层渐渐风化。
- The older strata gradually disintegrated. 年代较久的地层逐渐崩解了。
- They do not constitute a separate class or stratum. 知识分子和青年学生并不是一个阶级或阶层。
- These strata, lying apparently in contact, are in fact abysmally separated. 这些表面上相触的地层实际上相隔很远。
- The analogous dorsal region in other animals. 动物的背部其它动物相似的背部部位
- Dorsal nucleus of glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经背核。
- To expose(rock strata)by erosion. 剥蚀因腐蚀而露出(石层)
- The shark's dorsal fin was cut offby the fisherman. 鲨鱼的背鳍被渔夫割了下来。
- He hates the privileged stratum. 他憎恨特权阶层。
- Starting at the base of the first dorsal spines. 一条始于第一背脊骨基部。
- They belong to the rich strata and never work. 他们属于富裕阶层,不干活。
- Flattened along the dorsal and ventral surfaces. 匍匐的沿着背部和。
- They represent all social strata . 他们代表各个社会阶层。
- No details from the dorsal view are evident. 显然背面景像没有详细的细节。
- To expose(rock strata) by erosion. 剥蚀因腐蚀而露出(石层)