- A strange shape could be seen through the fog. 在雾中隐约可见到一个奇怪的人形。
- That is because ewes have strangely shaped cervixes which make it impossible for a bendy tube to reach the uterus via the traditional route. 因为,母羊的子宫颈形状特殊,不便于利用传统方法将弯弯曲曲的管子伸入其子宫。
- Another uniquely southern addition to the Mid-Autumn Festival is the strangely shaped water caltrop. 另一种南方独有的中秋美食就是形状古怪的菱角。
- The hat stood out because of its strange shape. 那顶帽子因造型奇特而引人注目。
- One of the pastries had a strange shape. 这些酥皮糕点中,有一个形状很古怪。
- The water had sculptured the rocks into strange shapes. 水把岩石侵袭得奇形怪状。
- Instead she thinks you're smelly and have a strange shaped head. 然而,她认为你有特别怪癖,长了一颗奇怪的脑壳;
- Explanation: What are these strange shapes on Mars? 说明:火星上这些奇怪的形状是什么?
- Winds have tortured the branches of the trees into strange shapes. 风把树木的树枝扭曲成奇形怪状。
- The whole evening seems strangely unreal. 整个晚上的事似乎如梦幻般令人惊奇。
- The pine trees defy severe cold. 松树不畏严寒。
- The sky sang a dirge and the windblown sand took on strange shapes. 天空哀鸣着一曲挽歌,风吹拂起沙尘,展现出奇特的形状。
- Now both come in a bewildering range of strange shapes and sizes. 如今他们都朝着奇形怪状的方向发展。
- It's a noted place for its pine tree and springs. 这是一个以松树和泉水著称的地方。
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- People should see a doctor immidiately if they find a growth of a strange shape, or uneven sides or edges. 一旦发现自己身上出现异样的形状或者皮肤表面不均匀就应该马上去看医生。
- Pine trees were planted all along the river. 沿河两岸种着松树。
- The whole evening seemed strangely unreal. 整个晚上的事似乎如梦幻般令人生奇。
- Pines, firs, and hollies are evergreen trees. 松树,杉树以及冬青是常绿树。
- The breeze murmured in the pines. 松林里微风沙沙作响。